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Comments 39

sephirajo July 30 2014, 14:31:52 UTC
Even though this is insanely wrong to say as a practicing Catholic, I adore the snot out of these guys and their pushing for actual justice on issues like this. :D GO TEAM SATAN.


lafinjack July 30 2014, 19:15:01 UTC
Have you gotten better at Catholicing after practicing for so long?


sephirajo July 30 2014, 19:20:34 UTC
LOL. Yeah, that is a phrase that makes no sense, isn't it?


lafinjack July 30 2014, 19:25:44 UTC

shhh_its_s3cr3t July 30 2014, 14:44:09 UTC
I wonder what a God face-palming right now would actually look like? Is Satan giving him the two thumbs up?

GO TEAM SATAN! :) Keep on making more sense than ever....


wrestlingdog July 30 2014, 16:11:39 UTC

... )


scolaro July 30 2014, 18:21:05 UTC
Because the Satanic Temple bases its belief “regarding personal health…on the best scientific understanding of the world, regardless of the religious or political beliefs of others,” it claims that state-mandated information with no basis in scientific fact violates its “religious” beliefs.



moonshaz July 30 2014, 19:26:15 UTC
I highly approve of this and of the tags used in this post. I would just add one more: "fucking valuable thing."


lafinjack July 30 2014, 20:36:48 UTC


valarltd July 30 2014, 22:00:33 UTC
Pagans need to be getting on this bandwagon.

I mean hells, the Christians already think we're Satanists. They think feminists are in league with Satan too.

... )


lafinjack July 30 2014, 22:11:04 UTC
Would Snoop Dogg also be a higher power?


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