The Disappearing bodies of Flight 17

Jul 21, 2014 01:28

When Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 crashed outside of Donetsk, Ukraine, debris for the airplane spread across a ten square mile area. While many of the passengers on board were buried amongst large pieces of the plane, others were thrown into fields, and even a nearby village. More than three days after the crash, investigators have not been able to ( Read more... )

russia, deaths, war, terrorism, vladimir putin, europe, national tragedies, ukraine, **trigger warning, malaysia, *trigger warning: violence

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Comments 6

ultrasushi July 21 2014, 15:56:47 UTC
Fuck them. This is utterly appalling.


moonshaz July 21 2014, 18:40:25 UTC
Senior intelligence officers were able to confirm Russia was directly responsible for the providing separatists with the missiles that are believed to have taken down MH17.

HA! I knew it! I KNEW IT!!!! Fuck you, Putin, fuck you SO VERY VERY VERY MUCH.

What a freaking clusterfuck this is. Nothing like turning a crime scene over to the criminals responsible for the crime. *MASSIVE EYEROLL* Too many levels of fail here to even begin to count.

[Ed. because comment got sent before I was finished.]


boundbyash July 21 2014, 20:09:10 UTC
I can only hope that there is enough evidence available to properly trained Disaster Victim Identification professionals to be able to determine what happened. Everything the rebel forces in charges of the area have done so far simply points the finger at them at the culprits. However, my heart goes out to the families and loved ones of the victims; to hear of the deceased being handled so cavalierly must be truly horrendous.


nesmith July 21 2014, 21:02:40 UTC
Why NO . . . absolutely nothing suspicious about any of this! O.o

Jesus Christ if these assholes are trying not to look guilty as all hell they're doing a really shitty job.


layweed July 21 2014, 23:03:09 UTC
idk NBC Nightly News just reported the bodies were loaded onto refrigerated railcars and taken to a place where a Dutch (possibly other nationality, I wasn't paying 100% attention) forensic expert would be identifying them.

not saying that this story isn't true though, they definitely took their own sweet time getting the bodies collected and sent off for identification. and that SAM launcher that was being shown on the news over the weekend is definitely one serious piece of military hardware (assuming it was the one used, but even if not, that they had that kind of hardware? damn).

definitely some shady shit going on with the black boxes though. apparently the deadline for their handover had passed.


evilnel July 22 2014, 02:22:40 UTC
I don't think all the bodies are accounted for, though. Or at least not in their original states, meaning bye bye evidence. :/


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