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Comments 4

nesmith July 2 2014, 18:54:59 UTC
I turned my back permanently on Christianity about 13-14 years ago and never looked back, and things like this coupled with the constant No True Scotsman bleating from the claiming-to-be-real-Christians, I don't regret the decision one bit.


apostle_of_eris July 2 2014, 21:33:09 UTC
I really like the term "stochastic terrorism".


dissident July 3 2014, 00:15:37 UTC
Mr. Jindal doesn't appear particularly of the Nordic stock so he'd best hope Neo Confederates don't gain too much ground anytime soon.


yndigot July 4 2014, 01:04:03 UTC
This is why people like Jindal and my dad (a chicano of mixed background who is in no way white passing) confuse the hell out of me. Like ... do they get that a huge number of the people they're backing don't want them there and most of the rest are only interested because they have a token POC to parade around?


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