Why Did Fox News Cease ALL Coverage Of The Las Vegas Tea Party Cop Killers?

Jun 11, 2014 23:48

After only one day Fox News has already eliminated coverage of the Tea Party Cop Killers in Las Vegas who went on a murderous rampage Sunday. On Monday, Fox's primetime programs (Bill O'Reilly, Megyn Kelly, and Sean Hannity) were silent on the subject except for four sentences on Kelly's show ( Read more... )

second amendment, guns, fox & friends, fox news, tea party, hypocrites, republicans, america fuck yeah

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Comments 6

cindyanne1 June 12 2014, 12:13:58 UTC
I've been getting my news from international news sites. I just can't trust any of the American media anymore. Fox is biased toward the right, true... but I really believe MSNBC and others are biased toward the left. Seems like we hardly ever get just straight news with no opinionated leanings or cleverly worded headlines anymore.


lurkerwisp June 12 2014, 13:46:13 UTC
I get the same impression. Too bad the international news sources are biased in ways that are harder for me to recognize because I lack context.

Local news is usually more reliable in my experience. It's often more relevant information and less interpretation and analysis.


cindyanne1 June 12 2014, 14:14:12 UTC
I didn't even think about that (not being able to recognize bias on international news) but that's very true! Sigh.


beuk June 12 2014, 16:50:05 UTC
Sure, MSNBC may be biased, but the reason why I don't like the!m as a news source is most of the shows are editorial and analytical, not straight news. Unfortunately, quality news is hard to find.


shipperx June 12 2014, 14:52:38 UTC
FOX has no shame. They are shameless.

They are however experts at sanctimonious outrage.

Of course they are also cowards, so when they sense outrage can be turned on them. (Because they've gone full-on cheerleader squad for the whackos attracted to octagenarian racist Bundy. {Yeah, Hannity, looking at you!}) Well...


rhysande June 12 2014, 20:16:07 UTC
Of course Fox has gone silent. Fox was part of the machine lauding and fueling the actions of the Bundys and their gang of thugs. Unfortunately for the Bundys and Fox News, their denials that the killers were part of that group have been proved false.

If the government decides to label the murders as acts of terrorism - which they should, since the murders were an attack on the government for the purpose of furthering a political agenda - every person and group with whom the killers were associated will be investigated. Protests such as "Operation American Spring" and what is happening at the Bundy Ranch are going to get looked at in a different light. Anyone who is encouraging and/or helping to financially support those activities will get looked at in a different light. There will be a lot of right wing personalities and organizations scrambling to distance themselves, including the Tea Party and the NRA. Fox will be among them.


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