Meriam Ibrahim: Sudan 'to free' death row woman

May 31, 2014 23:18

Sudanese authorities are to free a woman who was sentenced to death for having abandoned the Islamic faith, a foreign ministry official says.
Meriam Ibrahim, who gave birth to a daughter in custody, will be freed in a few days, the official told the BBC.

Abdullahi Alzareg, an under-secretary at the foreign ministry, said Sudan guaranteed religious ( Read more... )

violence against women, religious politics, religious persecution, sudan, misogyny

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Comments 5

365reasonswhy June 1 2014, 17:46:57 UTC
Unfortunately it looks like it's not true at this time.

Hopefully they will rule in her favor though.


yamamanama June 2 2014, 20:32:19 UTC
I'm still bitter about Sudan Revolts fizzling out.


moonshaz June 3 2014, 03:43:52 UTC
I have an incredibly hard time getting my head around the idea that one's religious beliefs (or lack thereof) are ANYONE else's business, much less a concern of the state. Yes, I admit that I'm a dumb American who has lived her entire life in the USA, where there is no such thing as an official state religion and the separation of church and state is still a thing, regardless of what some might wish. And yes, I know that that kind of freedom does not exist everywhere.

But still... I can't understand why the hell the government of a country should care what religion an individual citizen subscribes to, much less have the right to tell someone what religion they HAVE to be.

Every time I read this story, all I hear is the Sudanese government saying to this woman: "You are a (fill in the blank) and you have to remain a (fill in the blank), under penalty of death. Oh, you don't actually believe in (fill in the blank)? Too fucking bad. Your father was a (fill in the blank), which means you are a (fill in the blank), no matter what you may ( ... )


ginger_maya June 3 2014, 09:42:46 UTC
The only thing I can add to all this is that zealots are not logical people and that's one of the main problems with them.


oldruggedspork June 3 2014, 17:38:38 UTC
I wonder what would have happened if this had gotten no publicity?


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