GOP: Crush The Unions And We'll Crush The Democrats

May 14, 2014 13:39

Koch Brothers Face Insults While Unions Face Threats To Their Very Existence

WASHINGTON -- Not a week goes by these days without Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) denouncing the billionaire Koch brothers as "un-American" and "power-hungry tycoons" for funding a massive independent political machine working to defeat the Democratic Senate ( Read more... )

campaign finance, scumbags, oppression, lindsey graham, harry reid, fuckery, john boehner, republican party, money, free speech, unions, workers rights, fundraising, democrats, republicans

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Comments 1

da_spida May 15 2014, 18:46:17 UTC
The Cock Bros. deserve to be force fed their own ear wax and drink hot dog juice for about a week. Maybe then they can research the word humility and realize what extraordinary scumbags they really are.


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