Shock Treatment: Ban Proposed for School's 'Electrical Stimulation'

Apr 25, 2014 22:04

A Food and Drug Administration advisory panel has recommended banning devices that deliver electric shocks to kids and adults with autism and other developmental disorders, taking aim at a school where the shocks are given to students with special needs.

Such “electrical stimulation devices” were used at the Judge Rotenberg Education Center, a ( Read more... )

massachusetts, ableism, *trigger warning: abuse

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Comments 7

kate_mct April 25 2014, 19:30:16 UTC
I cannot believe this is up for discussion. No one should subjected to electrical shocks! It shouldn't even be considered!


tabaqui April 25 2014, 22:30:36 UTC
I don't believe in using a shock collar on a *dog*, no fucking way should it be used on children, or *anyone* with freakin' developmental disorders. For the love of fuck.


moonshaz April 25 2014, 22:37:25 UTC
This is definitely one for the "Wtf is wrong with people" file! Giving developmentally disabled students ELECTRIC SHOCKS? How totally heinous.

Some recounted experiences with the devices akin to "torture," while others begged health officials to keep what they say is a life-saving treatment.

The second half of this really made me go o_0. I want to know who these "others" are, because I'd like to ask them how being shocked with what sounds like a human version of a cattle prod could possibly save anyone's life.


crooked_halo April 27 2014, 22:53:20 UTC
The only thing I can think of is if the shocks prevent wandering. That's not to say that I agree with using shocks at all, but I can see why some might be desperate for ways to prevent people from wandering and getting into unsafe situations. That said, there are several ways to do so that are far less cruel. Like, say, door and window alarms to alert staff of people trying to get out. Or simply having enough staff to make sure that there is always someone keeping an eye on those at risk of wandering. Because this? This is not okay. At all.


amyura April 25 2014, 23:40:40 UTC
I was appalled when this story first broke a few years ago, and I can't believe it's still going on. This is disgusting.


elialshadowpine April 27 2014, 10:12:22 UTC
This is literally five minutes from where I lived when I was in MA. I was horrified when I first heard about it, and that people are still trying to defend it... sickening. My sister is highly autistic (I'm on the spectrum, too, but milder; she acted outwardly, I internalized), and this wouldn't have helped her, it would have made her terrified. (More than she already was of our dad's volatile temper.)

Maybe I'm just mean-spirited, but if these people think it's "so helpful" maybe they should get a taste of their own "medicine".


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