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Comments 6

kittymink April 21 2014, 13:11:20 UTC
So pathetic. Why don't they also include language about the fucking mammoth being drowned in the Great Flood.

Fundies believe that too.


rhysande April 21 2014, 16:05:01 UTC
Although this is a different article, this has been covered before:


I wish these fundies would get voted out of office before their stupidity infects the rest of the population.


crossfire April 21 2014, 16:07:37 UTC
Evolution is only ~controversial if you're a fucking idiot.


moonshaz April 21 2014, 20:14:07 UTC
This X infinity!


wrestlingdog April 22 2014, 00:38:45 UTC
This makes me so sad- especially as a nerd who grew up loving fossils and ancient animals. I saw this on Rachel Maddow's show a few weeks ago.


zinnia_rose April 22 2014, 09:19:39 UTC
This is downright embarrassing. For heaven's sake, an eight-year-old knows more about science than grown-ass ELECTED PUBLIC OFFICIALS.


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