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Comments 19

lied_ohne_worte April 8 2014, 18:28:30 UTC
They've been sabotaging themselves for quite some time. There have been multiple financial scandals, such as people in leadership positions stealing party funds. In one of the state parliaments, their delegates had a fistfight in the parliament building. That's what happens when a party consists of thugs. A third of their functionaries had previous criminal convictions or was under investigation late last year. And they counted only crimes that tend to occur in their scene, like causing bodily harm, destruction of property, offenses against weapons laws, not general ones like removing oneself from a traffic accident.

Of course, neither that nor their ineptitude means they aren't dangerous. They don't get anywhere in nationwide elections or in most state elections, but they are a lot stronger in certain areas, particularly on a local level.


squeeful April 8 2014, 18:35:01 UTC
See, I wish articles pointed these things out, not the weird sex-shaming ones like "oooh, a ~former porn star~" or "oh noes, a dick cake".


lied_ohne_worte April 8 2014, 18:47:02 UTC
Hm, let me see if I can find a bit of further reading for people who are interested.

This is from the time where that rate of crimes was published. This is a bit lengthier and goes into a bit of detail on the banning and finance trouble (although it also alludes to a sex scandal, but as it concerned the then-leader, it's relevant). Both articles are a few months old, but not that much has happened since, and they're both from good sources.

To be fair, though, the sex-shaming did happen within their own party; they seemed to have no problem with that woman being a former porn star until it turned out she had, oh no, been with men who weren't white. And the resignation due to the penis cake (and the stripper that was also present) happened because of pressure from within their rows, likely as it really didn't fit their desire of being seen as of being proper, conservative people. And people who oppose them and their ilk tend to be gleeful at all of their scandals.


lafinjack April 8 2014, 21:05:36 UTC
That would require actual journalism, though, and that's hard.


kittymink April 8 2014, 20:10:01 UTC




4o5pastmidnight April 8 2014, 20:40:02 UTC
This article is everything I want in an article about neo-Nazis.


neurotoxia April 8 2014, 21:35:10 UTC
Still longing for the day they either implode from the sheer level of stupidity or the mistake that can finally stop the other parties from dicking around and get them banned.

Not that I'm under any illusions there aren't enough other nutcase right-wing parties to take their place in the long run.


ginger_maya April 8 2014, 21:36:13 UTC
I don't get it - they had no issue with associating with a former porn star - as long as she didn't bang POC - but they have an issue with penis cakes? I wonder whether the reaction would be the same had the cake been in the shape of a vagina. So many questions, oh my!


lied_ohne_worte April 8 2014, 22:49:43 UTC
It's quite possible that this was just a convenient "last straw" to use as a pretext for others in their party to finally get rid of him; he'd apparently been involved in recruiting that porno performer too, as they wanted to make "nationalism look sexy", or something like that (as their general public image is either one of bullies with shaved heads and a room temperature IQ, or mean-looking manipulative bastards whom you wouldn't buy a used car from). There's a lot of backstabbing going on in their organisation - again, of course, if an organisation consists to no small part of thugs, that's what one gets.


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