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Comments 8

bnmc2005 March 23 2014, 14:22:42 UTC
Wow. I've never heard of a large publisher doing this. Thanks for the article.


tabaqui March 23 2014, 14:33:33 UTC
That really, really sucks. It makes me sad, too, as Penguin generally has editions of things i really like. BAH.

I think i'll find a copy at Better World Books, just because.


policraticus March 23 2014, 15:09:26 UTC


nesmith March 23 2014, 17:43:46 UTC
Even if her book (according to some of the reviews on Amazon, whose recent appearances are suspect) is biased and filled with a Western secular skew, the answer isn't to ban the book, but to counteract it with more speech, contrasting books, and critical reviews that analyze any such bias. Not to try to make it disappear because you don't like what it says. Shame on Penguin for rolling over on this.


rhysande March 23 2014, 20:57:44 UTC
This is pretty much my sticking point. If there is some misinformation in the book it should be countered with the correct information and critiques instead of banning the book.

The idea that one can only have some understanding of a religion or culture if one has been born into it is ludicrous. An outsider's point of view has it's own value.


mycenaes March 23 2014, 21:03:44 UTC
Yep, I agree. Debate, criticism, discussion--all of these are vital in any society.


fluteaphrael March 24 2014, 01:44:19 UTC
Yes and if there IS actual provably incorrect information in the book, sue for a reprint or a correction. Don't try and ban the book.


365reasonswhy March 24 2014, 00:08:58 UTC
Someone just bought our only copy of this today from me. I hadn't read about this yet, or I might have grabbed it for myself just to check it out.


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