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Comments 52

__sasami__ March 4 2014, 03:25:51 UTC
I'm just sitting here watching my dogs tear through the house like maniacs. They didn't get much exercise today due to the weather so they're insane. Anyone else have a high energy breed? lol


sio March 4 2014, 03:34:24 UTC
:is jealous of everyone getting snow!: i hate living in the desert, uggh and a half. :P

... )


moonshaz March 4 2014, 06:17:26 UTC
LOL! Cats and mail slots--always a risky combination!


sio March 4 2014, 06:23:08 UTC
love your icon!

i love that the mail carrier is just totally cool with it. he goes up "ready to do battle", laughs over almost losing his glove to the cat, is willing to take 10 times to get the letter into the slot and mentions how "he's getting tougher" on the way back to his truck. i think thats my favorite part outside the funny.


Just need to do a small rant. anguisel March 4 2014, 03:35:22 UTC
I've had an interesting two days at work and am glad I have some days off.

Was in the middle of a transaction when my manager comes up behind me (and of course stands directly behind me) to tell me that after the transaction, I needed to go give a co-worker a break. Customer mishears and asks if I'm going to be able to finish the transaction or is he taking over? He flat out snapped at her 'I SAID AFTER THE TRANSACTION' and walked away. I said we had a few call-outs so being short handed was kinda frazzling him to cover for him snapping at them ( ... )


wrestlingdog March 4 2014, 03:40:58 UTC
I think New England must be the one place on the East Coast that hasn't gotten any snow in the last day or two. They keep changing the forecasts so now I figure it's just gonna be really fucking cold with nothing to show for it.

But I'm going home for spring break on Friday! There will be two happy cats and a Golden named Spunky (who my family occasionally petsits for) waiting for me, as well as home-cooked food! I'm gonna also try to go to DC for a couple days next week.

Anybody have thoughts on the Oscars?


serendipity_15 March 4 2014, 03:56:29 UTC
If you come to DC, come say hi!

As for the Oscars, it honestly felt like it was longer this year. I did like that Lupita won and I enjoyed the songs.


rex_dart March 4 2014, 04:18:40 UTC
My only thought on the Oscars is that every actual person I encountered on LJ/FB thought Idina Menzel totally blew it but the media talked about her performance like it was amazing, which is insulting to Idina (who obviously was disappointed in herself), the audience, and Broadway singers in general.


wrestlingdog March 4 2014, 12:30:40 UTC
Yeah, she did not sound up to par at all. I love Idina Menzel and I saw her tear the house down in Wicked but that was not good. A friend of mine thinks she was pissed because of how badly John Travolta screwed up her name, but I know it's gotta be more than that.

My FB was split down the middle on whether it was good, but I also have a lot of theatre nerds as friends on both ends of the spectrum.

Or maybe that's her less talented evil twin.


rex_dart March 4 2014, 04:15:46 UTC
My body is SO READY for this winter to be over. We went to the Hawks/Pens Stadium Series game at Soldier Field this week and I have never spent so long unable to feel my feet. I am not here for two degree wind chills any longer.

At least the game was amazing, tho.

Also my wife is going out of the country for a couple weeks at the end of the month and I'm going to drive to DC to see the cherry blossoms. I've been to DC plenty but does anyone have any good recommendations for other things to go see in Delaware/Maryland/basically anywhere out east? As long as they're appropriate to do alone (so no hiking). I particularly love the outdoors (beaches, mountains, caves, whatever) and art museums, and I'm not working or in school so theoretically I can go wherever I want.


yndigot March 4 2014, 04:39:37 UTC
I'd say Great Falls because it's gorgeous, but that's probably a hiking thing. :/ And there are some other really cool parks around, but they still might all involve too much of the 'hiking alone' thing to really get much out of them this time around. If you're into the history stuff, Mount Vernon isn't far outside DC. I've only been once, but I remember finding it pretty of cool. And I hear Udvar-Hazy is awesome (don't know if you consider that DC since it's the Smithsonian, but technically it's not in the city), although I haven't been yet. That's more 'museum' than 'outdoors' though. We've got a lot of cool little historic districts in towns that can be fun to poke around in, if that's something you like.

...I'm not particularly familiar with MD or DE. That's about all NoVA has to offer in the way of touristy stuff, though. And our non-touristy stuff or ultra-local touristy stuff isn't really anything exciting, I don't think.


rex_dart March 4 2014, 04:42:32 UTC
Is Great Falls a place that's usually busy? I don't mind going for a bit of a hike if it's in a really touristy place; I just don't want to be a woman alone in the woods out of shouting distance.

Thank you for the suggestions! :D


yndigot March 4 2014, 04:59:21 UTC
During the summer, I'd say Great Falls has a lot of traffic and there'd probably be a lot of people out on all main paths, so you'd never be too far from at least a couple different groups of people, but if you're looking at more like the end of March? I'm not sure how busy it is then. It's definitely a place to put on your list if you like the outdoors, though, even if you don't get a chance to see it this time around. It's a nice walk and great views.

Virginia also has some great caverns, but they're all quite a drive from the DC area. :(


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