Swede set to 'disarm' 25-year-old herring tin

Feb 16, 2014 19:10

A Swedish fermented herring expert has been called to help "disarm" a 25-year-old can of the odorous Swedish delicacy that managed to literally raise the roof of a cabin in northern Norway.

"If there's any fish left in the can, I'm going to eat it," Ruben Madsen of Sweden's Surströmming Academy told The Local.

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not the onion, food, norway, biological weapons, terrorism, sweden

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Comments 22

bork February 17 2014, 22:46:55 UTC
I really hope there's a live webcam of this event somewhere. Oh please, oh please.


skellington1 February 18 2014, 18:37:40 UTC
And thank goodness no one's invented the Smell-O-Net version of the internet yet.


dafairyness February 17 2014, 23:30:38 UTC
Extremely accurate use of tags. If it smells anything like lutefisk...


(The comment has been removed)

dafairyness February 18 2014, 00:59:26 UTC
Eesh. I mean, to each their own, but eesh. The only (supposedly edible)food I've ever smelled that is worse than lutefisk is durian.


tsu_ February 18 2014, 04:18:21 UTC
durian is a beautiful majestic thing.

(i grew up eating it in pancakes and icecream and all, so i don't find it offensive at all. cheese on the other hand, is mostly gross to me)


sentinelsoul February 18 2014, 00:23:34 UTC
Ha, I immediately thought of this comic by Humon: http://satwcomic.com/nordics-like-fish.


lafinjack February 18 2014, 02:16:22 UTC
I was hoping someone would link that.


stainedfeathers February 18 2014, 02:28:11 UTC
I'm so in love with Humons comics. They're the reason I know what surströmming is!


moonshaz February 18 2014, 02:46:01 UTC
OMG, that's hilarious!!


tigerdreams February 18 2014, 02:55:14 UTC
When I hear "swelling cans," my mind immediately turns to botulism. For that reason alone, I hope he's very careful about whatever flora he finds inside that thing.


cindyanne1 February 18 2014, 03:03:30 UTC
Why are they opening it? Can't they just like, bury it or something? D:


mistress_infy February 18 2014, 07:16:31 UTC
No, because it will actually, legit explode, and then it's a huuuuge mess.


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