
Jan 07, 2014 18:44

The Inside Story Of Liz Cheney's Tone-Deaf Candidacy
When Liz Cheney moved to Wyoming, in 2012, her path to the Senate seemed clear enough. Cheney had a famous name, a high-profile media presence, an impressive CV, and plenty of money. The Republican incumbent, a backbencher named Mike Enzi, was expected to retire. Most political pros would have ( Read more... )

trying too hard, wyoming, dick cheney, elections

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Comments 1

nesmith January 8 2014, 14:15:13 UTC
there was a controversy over whether she had wished death on the state’s well-loved small-town papers. (She said she was only talking about the liberal national media.)

Oh, so that's totally okay, then.

Jesus, this family is one train-wreck after another. But it is Palinesque--Michael Palinesque. Only I think as a Python skit this stuff would have been vetoed for being too silly.


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