Dear Mr. Ham, It isn't evolution that makes young people disbelieve. It's being told God wants you to ignore your brain and be a brood mare. It's being told God wants you to be killed by his people because you were born with Second Sight. It's being told God wants you to be killed because you like kissing someone whose genitalia match yours.
And it's also being told that a God who is supposed to be infinitely loving is willing to sentence people to an ETERNITY of torment. Not just epically evil, Adolph Hiter/Jeffrey Dahmer type people, but (according to what I was taught in the fundamentalist church I grew up in) plain, old, ordinary people and even amazingly good people will receive this sentence, for like, no reason except that Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden. That basically, we are all born in a stacked deck, and the only way to escape a horrific fate is to be a "Christian" -- which to these people means conforming to a very narrow and specific definition of "Christian
( ... )
I can't see this doing anything. The problem isn't that they don't believe in evolution as such, the problem is that they reject the whole scientific method, as well as not understanding how it works (such as the fact that they think "theory" means something that it doesn't mean). As long as they make up their own explanations based on a preconceived conviction of what the solution has to be, combined with being able to claim that any evidence to the contrary was planted by Satan, I can't see something like that discussion doing anything besides giving people who are not creationist give a feeling of superiourity, which they certainly are entitled to.
Comments 24
It isn't evolution that makes young people disbelieve. It's being told God wants you to ignore your brain and be a brood mare. It's being told God wants you to be killed by his people because you were born with Second Sight. It's being told God wants you to be killed because you like kissing someone whose genitalia match yours.
The Genius Witch Dyke Who Survived.
*nods sagely*
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