"Waaaa, I don't want to take my final! How can I get out of it? Hmm, let me see..."

Dec 18, 2013 02:02

"....Oooh, I know! I'll start a fake bomb threat!"

Harvard student is arrested after bomb scareA Harvard student trying to get out of a final exam admitted to the FBI that he sent a bomb threat that forced the university to evacuate multiple buildings and rattled the campus, federal officials said Tuesday ( Read more... )

college/university, stupid people, massachusetts, students, hoaxes

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Comments 48

clevermanka December 18 2013, 17:54:35 UTC
Adding to the facepalms.

... )


alryssa December 19 2013, 00:59:35 UTC
The middle one is incredibly hot, ngl.


clevermanka December 19 2013, 14:10:53 UTC
Anything with Hiddleston is incredibly hot. sigh


agentsculder December 20 2013, 01:58:18 UTC
I'm trying to figure out what that's from. I recognized Lestrade from Sherlock and Dean Winchester from Supernatural, but what film/ tv show is that with Hiddleston in it? I MUST know.


tinylegacies December 18 2013, 17:59:35 UTC
Several of us called this in the last post.

I'm glad he got arrested and I hope he gets fined for all of the costs associated with it. What a dumbass.


moonshaz December 19 2013, 05:45:25 UTC
Yes, I remember people calling this in that past. At the time, I was sure it was a hoax but hoping the reason wasn't something *this* petty. I am disappoint!


cuterabbit33 December 18 2013, 18:10:20 UTC
This happened ALL THE GODDAMN TIME in both my college and highschool. Hell, in highschool, it got so bad, the school paper printed dual opinion pieces of whether to take the so-called threats seriously or not. (I wrote the not version.)


rainbow_fish December 18 2013, 18:28:57 UTC
This may be an unpopular opinion, but I feel a little bad for the student. I can relate to that feeling of total terror and feeling like "oh my god, i'm going to ruin my entire life if I don't do well on this one thing".

It's not rational, but yeah. I get it.

I'm glad this kid is getting fined, facing punishment, etc. But I understand the urge.


policraticus December 18 2013, 18:29:08 UTC
When I was in 8th grade my school was evacuated at least six times due to bomb threats over the period of about 2 months. At first we were all pretty tense, I mean the cops and fire department swarmed the place, parents came, it was a zoo. By the third threat we were totally nonchalant, playing soccer and basketball.


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