Utah Judge: criminalization of "cohabitation" unconstitutional; conservative pearl clutching ensues

Dec 17, 2013 08:50

Utah Polygamy Court Ruling On 'Sister Wives' Case Confirms Fears Of Social Conservatives

(RNS) Fueling debates over marriage and religious freedom, a federal judge declared on Dec. 13 Utah laws criminalizing polygamy are unconstitutional, ruling on a case involving the Brown family from TLC’s reality series “Sister Wives.”( Read more... )

lawsuits, court/federal court, utah, mormons, marriage, polygamy, law

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Comments 21

chaya December 17 2013, 14:54:51 UTC
General tip: often when the article title is misleading or reveals too little about the case, submitters will write their own summary of the article in the LJ subject line and then include the actual article title at the beginning of the body of the text, underlined. This is totally acceptable to do.


crossfire December 17 2013, 17:07:08 UTC
I was gonna say, there is a long tradition of snarky/amusing summary titles in _p. :)


chaya December 17 2013, 17:08:37 UTC
A proud tradition if I do say so myself


moonshaz December 18 2013, 02:09:13 UTC
True, and I think I had it in the back of my mind to do something like that but forgot by the time I posted it.

Just fixed that little detail!


nesmith December 17 2013, 14:59:56 UTC
“But if love and mutual consent become the definition of what the boundaries of marriage are, can we as a society any longer even define marriage coherently?”

Considering how stupid the FRC is, I'm guessing this asshole would gladly go back to the time when marriage had very little/nothing to do with love OR consent.


omimouse December 17 2013, 15:22:17 UTC
And is that *really* the hill they want to die on? I mean, fighting against the idea of love and mutual consent? They have long since passed into the realm of Saturday morning cartoon villiany.


nesmith December 17 2013, 15:47:54 UTC
I really think they have no idea what they think anymore, and now it's just mindless screaming over anything that's different.


daf9 December 17 2013, 15:10:32 UTC
It takes so little to scare social conservatives I'm not at all surprised that this ruling does. Really maybe it should. After all legalizing gay marriage began with the decriminalization of homosexual behavior.


silver_apples December 17 2013, 15:51:30 UTC
polygamy, a practice that very often victimizes women and children

Unlike "traditional" marriage, where women and children are always safe and happy.

I would think de-criminalizing cohabitation would protect women in this situation--they can ask for help without getting arrested themselves.


squeeful December 17 2013, 19:21:18 UTC
It's not an either-or. Saying one thing isn't safe doesn't mean you're saying another is.


luminescnece December 17 2013, 18:50:58 UTC
If three (or more) people want to consensually marry each other they should be allowed.

What we're looking to stop is abuse. Not cohabitation.

The only way I'd get married ever again would be with more than one person.


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