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Comments 42

darth_eldritch December 15 2013, 21:02:07 UTC
When are people going to get it that Ayn Rand created an ideology based on capitalism, not a practical business method?

Yeah, when their greed finally bites them in the ass, after destroying the economy and the quality of living for so many.


mollywobbles867 December 15 2013, 21:33:50 UTC
Needs "invisible hand of the free market" tag.


moonshaz December 17 2013, 05:44:48 UTC
Added! I didn't even know that tag existed, so thanks. I looked for a "free market" tag, but didn't know it was under something else.


nicosian December 15 2013, 22:37:50 UTC
That explains some of it! The Sears nearest us is closing and I feel for those losing their jobs but it's not a surprise sales tanked.

They cut sales staff to the point there's maybe a 3 cashiers some of the floors and its an immense store. Just not one to be found when you need one. ( contrast the Bay where you can't move 20 feet without finding a clerk!) and then some harebrained notion where online Sears prices did not get honored in store, but no indication was made of this. It started feeling like a bit of trickery going on.

The free market spoke: they went shopping at places that have merchandise people want, prices people want, service people want.


ms_mmelissa December 15 2013, 23:39:34 UTC
I noticed that Sears was declining in quality for the last few years but I thought it was just within my city. There was a huge one in the downtown mall of my city that was shut down early this year. This article explains so much sadly.


clevermanka December 15 2013, 23:52:08 UTC
This makes me so sad. My city lost its Sears a couple years ago. We went there a lot (because tools and appliances and sports equipment are popular items in our household) and the staff was always super nice and friendly.


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