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Comments 11

tabaqui December 10 2013, 15:10:53 UTC
Fucking HELL.


nextdrinksonme December 10 2013, 15:15:37 UTC
Outside of the Navy (because wtf there but he's an officer and probably high ranking if he's old enough to have kids that old so I'm not really surprised by that, just disgusted) how has no criminal charges been filed in the civilian justice system?? HE ADMITTED TO DOING IT! Omg I hate everything.

Also fuck that judge.


darth_eldritch December 10 2013, 15:47:58 UTC
I don't know what the hell has been happening since I've been in the Navy, but if you were caught doing something like this, you were lower than scum of the earth and kicked out, dishonorable discharge. The social workers and command would be on your ass so hard, at least at where I was stationed. No one would talk with you or have anything to do with you.

The Navy has really gone downhill and it is beyond disgraceful. I cannot imagine an officer being taken seriously with this kind of shit.

The poor girl. I wish the best for her. I wish the command that I worked for could have been there for her.


ahria December 10 2013, 16:07:46 UTC
My husband is AF, and that's how things go here too. A lot of the times, while the rapist (or wife beater) are still on the job while being investigated... well, they fall into a lot of door knobs.


leaf_kunoichi December 10 2013, 16:03:49 UTC
Here is another story on all of this with more excuses...er information about why he wasn't prosecuted by either the Navy or in civilian court.

All the same trigger warnings from the post apply. There are more details about the abuse.



kate_mct December 10 2013, 20:56:58 UTC
There are no words. Anyone who questions why military 'justice' needs to be overhauled should have to read this story over and over again.


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