Shenanigans Friday: December 06, 2013.

Dec 06, 2013 21:33

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    !shenanigans sunday

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    Comments 159

    ART SCHMART fenris_lorsrai December 7 2013, 02:56:00 UTC
    The artwalk I was participating in went well. I got to sculpt in front of people on Black Friday as part of festival. A terrible picture!

    ... )


    gambitia December 7 2013, 02:57:04 UTC
    Going back to therapy on Monday. I've felt better overall since stopping zoloft but am realizing that other people do not spiral into days-long bouts of depression and intense dread upon seeing the words "climate change" or having their boss ask them to do something a little different at work and maybe I should get some help for that. Finding psychologists is hard.

    I finally got Assassin's Creed III and I'm very upset that Connor stands up straight on vantage points instead of badassedly slouching like Altair and Ezio, and that I had to play as Haytham for so long. Also the game is buggy as hell. But on the good side, the linguistic nerd in me is enchanted by the Native NPCs speaking Kanien’kéha, even in the background chatter--I do love when characters speak in the language they actually ought to, and it's great to hear an endangered language getting love. Whatever else the AC games are, they do try so far as representation and cultural appreciation.


    layweed December 7 2013, 02:59:10 UTC
    The background chatter and all those little touches are great aspects of AC3. It's too bad the ridiculously horribly unlikeable character that is Connor whatshisface pretty much ruined it all. :(


    gambitia December 7 2013, 03:10:07 UTC
    Connor is such a dork. I don't know what it is about the AC franchise, but their protagonists are all unlikeable! They can clearly write sympathetic characters (can I talk about how much I love Achilles?) but the protagonists somehow aren't!

    I can't stand Desmond. I initially hated Altair although his jackassery improves greatly by the end of the game. Ezio is probably the most likeable, but I felt no connection to him at all--he's yet another variation of spoiled-rich-boy-whose-world-is-shattered and I kind of don't care? Connor is just...idk how I feel about him? He's not very bright and he's somehow a huge hypocrite?

    Maybe if I ever get to play as Aveline I'll like her?


    layweed December 7 2013, 03:15:08 UTC
    I liked Ezio the most, even if he is kind of a brat in the early parts of AC2. He gets much better in Brotherhood and in Revelations. I only played AC1 for about half an hour so Idk much about Altair.

    I hear the game with Aveline (Liberation? Idk) is going to be ported over to major consoles and PC, so hopefully that'll give people without a Vita the chance to play that character.

    ETA: And Connor's just an unlikeable ass. Idk. He's kind of an idiot and a hypocrite and sulky, broody, moody, etc.


    fishphile December 7 2013, 02:58:08 UTC
    Gotta 5k tomorrow. It's probably the most ready I've been for a race in forever. Just hope it turns out to be awesome and not terrible.


    keeperofthekeys December 7 2013, 03:02:04 UTC


    fishphile December 7 2013, 03:50:59 UTC
    Yeah! What's going on with you? I see below that you're still doing lots of lab things. How's life?


    gambitia December 7 2013, 03:15:06 UTC
    Good luck!


    yooperchild December 7 2013, 03:01:11 UTC
    It got a lot of hate on my Facebook last night, but I actually enjoyed "The Sound of Music Live" last night. I'd probably buy it if it came on DVD.


    layweed December 7 2013, 03:16:58 UTC
    I was just hating on it on Twitter just for fun. The sets looked like something out of a daytime soap opera recycle bin and the acting was kinda horrible. Maybe the singing was good but apparently people on ONTD didn't like that either.

    Still not sure why it was even "remade", tbh.


    schexyschteve December 7 2013, 03:34:23 UTC
    it wasn't a remake of the movie. It was a live version of the actual musical.


    schexyschteve December 7 2013, 03:32:17 UTC
    I liked just about everything about it, except for Carrie Underwood's acting. I mean, I appreciate that she stepped majorly out of her comfort zone as a non-Broadway trained anything, but...they should've went in a different direction.


    castalianspring December 7 2013, 03:03:45 UTC
    Got to go home from work early today (with pay!) due to weather (being a city employee is rocking so far, damn). Not sure if it'll really ice/storm/snow/etc or not tonight, but either way I'm ready to stay in all weekend and nest.

    Still unpacking from my move, but I got all the books on the shelves today, which I consider a herculean task in itself. I even managed to add more to the "take to the book store for trade-in value" pile!

    Anyone watching Almost Human? I like aspects of it so far, but am unsure what to think about some of it. I'm also kind of sad that Karl Urban's character is kind of unlikeable to me. However, Michael Ealy...


    gambitia December 7 2013, 03:16:54 UTC
    I've been considering watching it based on some gifsets I saw on Tumblr? I am unfamiliar with Michael Ealy's work but HOT DAMN THOSE PUPPY-DOG EYES.


    castalianspring December 7 2013, 03:24:10 UTC
    I really liked him in Common Law, which was another buddy cop show pairing Ealy with a serious, kind of cranky white cop. It was sadly short lived, just one 12-ep season.


    fenris_lorsrai December 7 2013, 03:25:04 UTC
    He is entirely the best part of that so far. There's some interesting bits in here, but some of it they seem to be leaving a bit too much dangling on how stuff works/repercussions of tech. Maybe they'll fill it out a bit later, but it feels like there's some holes that didn't get filled in properly for solid foundation.


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