Harper's staff and top senators colluded to whitewash Duffy report: RCMP

Nov 20, 2013 23:57

The prime minister's chief of staff went to Stephen Harper for approval of a secret plan that would have seen the Conservative party repay Mike Duffy's contested expenses and whitewash a Senate report, new RCMP documents suggest ( Read more... )

meanwhile in canada..., stephen harper

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Comments 24

alexvdl November 21 2013, 15:44:43 UTC
Now which one is Harper? I can never recognize him...


evewithanapple November 21 2013, 17:03:25 UTC

... )


mellawe November 21 2013, 20:54:51 UTC
Is he holding that poor cat hostage?


soleiltropiques November 21 2013, 21:45:34 UTC


soleiltropiques November 21 2013, 17:04:43 UTC
Just chiming in here to express just how much I loathe and detest this government.

Their systematic efforts to undermine and otherwise undo everything that is good about this country is nothing short of shameful.



lamardeuse November 22 2013, 03:17:53 UTC
I'm not saying that Justin is a great leader, but if Trudeaumania: The Next Generation is what it takes to sweep this shitstain and his bag of dicks from power, I am all for it.


romp November 22 2013, 07:51:50 UTC
I can't imagine anything worse. A gov't owned and operated by a different industry? I agree, the bar is set *really* low for transparency, representation of minorities and the vulnerable, human rights, environmental protection,...


seishin November 22 2013, 04:20:18 UTC
Did anyone believe for a minute that Stephen 'Control Freak' Harper didn't know what was going on?

I hope this is FINALLY wakes the public here from their apathy about the Federal Conservatives.


spiritoftherain November 24 2013, 04:49:00 UTC
Lying creep.

2015. Please come soon, I can't take this guy anymore. Him and the party he's taken hold of.


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