White House Official Fired for Tweeting Under Fake Name

Oct 23, 2013 13:03

Jofi Joseph, an official in the National Security Staff at the White House, was fired last week after being caught as the tweeter behind @natsecwonk, a feed that’s been leaking internal information since 2011.A White House national security official was fired last week after being caught as the mystery Tweeter who has been tormenting the foreign ( Read more... )

white house, irl troll, scumbags, deep throat, ethics

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Comments 10

scriptedending October 23 2013, 18:48:03 UTC
Hope it was worth it! Nice going, idiot.


gambitia October 23 2013, 18:56:13 UTC
So, did this guy reveal anything helpful that the public ought to know but didn't? Or was he just being a dick?


ook October 23 2013, 19:55:57 UTC
He was just being a dick by anonymously spreading idle gossip and his own stupid opinions.


fightingwords October 23 2013, 19:36:18 UTC
What a stupid way to capsize one's career. I hope his wife doesn't suffer for his behavior, but that seems unavoidable.


moonshaz October 24 2013, 02:34:45 UTC
I hope she has a good job. Seeing as how he's lost his!


shoujokakumei October 24 2013, 12:24:46 UTC
My thoughts exactly.


scolaro October 23 2013, 21:16:21 UTC
Am I the only one surprised by the fact that it took them TWO YEARS to find this guy?


vulturoso October 23 2013, 23:35:22 UTC
I can't wait until this guy realizes he'll never be employed again.


wrestlingdog October 24 2013, 00:42:38 UTC


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