Tea Party leader demands class action lawsuit against homosexuality

Oct 18, 2013 16:17

Rick Scarborough of Tea Party Unity and Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth about Homosexuality would like to join forces and file a class action lawsuit against homosexuality.

Yes, they really, really want to do that.

“Peter, the whole issue of a class action lawsuit, you and I have talked about this a little bit,” Scarborough says. “I just ( Read more... )

tea bagging, wtf, lawsuits, not the onion, not helping, homophobia, god save us from your followers, lgbtq / gender & sexual minorities

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Comments 42

layweed October 20 2013, 16:47:24 UTC
Class action lawsuit against Tea Party stupidity y/y


fabrisse October 20 2013, 18:08:29 UTC
Can you bring suit against a pre-existing condition?


azetburcaptain October 22 2013, 00:28:54 UTC
Bowing @ this flawless comment.


youdontknowher October 20 2013, 16:47:53 UTC
“I would love to see it. We always wanted to see one of the kid in high school who was counseled by the official school counselor to just be gay, then he comes down with HIV. But we never really got the client for that.”

wtf r this logic even.


lizzy_someone October 20 2013, 17:11:37 UTC
Right? He is like LITERALLY DISAPPOINTED that more gay kids don't get HIV. "That gay kid's still healthy? Aww, bummer, we could've had a lawsuit!"


muted_hitokiri October 20 2013, 17:22:51 UTC
I also like the way they phrase that 'coming down with' HIV, like it's some kind of airborne thing that you can get just by passively being gay. (Not blaming people who have HIV for their situation or anything, just the way he phrased that feels really misleading to me.)


cuterabbit33 October 20 2013, 16:55:42 UTC
Yeaaaaah, good luck with that.

Can this useless group just disband and... stop existing, please?


volatiletimes October 21 2013, 16:26:19 UTC
i wish. i just unadded one on facebook. it reminded me why i never login.


lizzy_someone October 20 2013, 17:03:48 UTC
I thought this was the Onion at first.


nextdrinksonme October 20 2013, 17:24:54 UTC
“Yeah I think that’s great,” LaBarbera responds. “I would love to see it. We always wanted to see one of the kid in high school who was counseled by the official school counselor to just be gay, then he comes down with HIV. But we never really got the client for that.”

You've...always wanted to see high school students get HIV? Or are you saying you want the counselor to get HIV because they talked to a gay kid? No matter the case, WHY WOULD YOU WISH THAT ON SOMEONE??


thelilyqueen October 20 2013, 18:02:29 UTC
I don't think he's wishing HIV on someone - he's hoping to find a person who wants to sue their HS counselor for telling them 'gay is OK' because they then got HIV from gay sex. Wouldn't be any real case if they DID find someone though because there's no causality there. People don't get HIV from gay sex - they get it from unprotected sex with a HIV+ partner, contaminated needles, being born to a HIV+ mother w/o prophylaxis, etc.

Can we sue them for all the unplanned pregnancies, STDs, etc. that result from their resistance to giving teens medically accurate sexual health info?


nitasee October 21 2013, 15:08:38 UTC
Actually, I do think he was wishing HIV on someone. First because they wanted to find someone they could use, and second because, he probably thinks that HIV is should happen to anyone who is gay...righteous judgment in his world view.


romp October 21 2013, 04:40:58 UTC
I agree this sounds cold evil


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