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Comments 6

firefox1490 October 14 2013, 01:49:58 UTC
FiveThirtyEight.com will officially relaunch in very early 2014 in cooperation with ESPN.

Wait what!??!!?


rkt October 14 2013, 04:47:14 UTC
there's way more $ in talking numbers about sports to the little people than in talking numbers about politics. i'm hoping he can pull off both ala zirin at the nation


roseofjuly October 14 2013, 09:35:43 UTC
The "nate silver taught numbers how to fuck" tag gives me so much life.


alexvdl October 14 2013, 12:12:36 UTC
that really matches the belief I've seen elsewhere, that there won't be long term political fallout from this shutdown if it doesn't end in a default. Frankly, there are signs that the people behind the shutdown took all of that into account with their timing. That's a disturbing notion to many people, because the GOP spent the 2008 and 2012 ignoring statistical analysis of that nature vs. blind faith in their ability to scream epithets and somehow win races.

If the corporate interests behind the GOP are playing the long game, what other tricks do they have up their sleeves?


hinoema October 14 2013, 12:19:18 UTC
1. The media is probably overstating the magnitude of the shutdown's political impact.

Remember Syria? The fiscal cliff? Benghazi? The IRS scandal? The collapse of immigration reform?

None of which affected so many people so intimately.

2. The impact of the 1995-96 shutdowns is overrated in Washington's mythology.

But what about the pair of government shutdowns in 1995 and 1996? It's common to find articles asserting, without qualification, that they were a major factor in prompting President Clinton's reelection.

It *was* a major factor in their losing the House. Way to miss the point.

3. Democrats face extremely unfavorable conditions in trying to regain the House.

That doesn't mean Democrats are unfavorable- it means something needs to be done about republicans unfairly stacking the deck via gerrymandering.

Sorry, Nate, thinking like a detached statistician is doing you no favors on this one.


carmy_w October 14 2013, 18:25:31 UTC
The entire house is up for re-election in 2014; those campaigns are kicking off RIGHT NOW.
That means if you go talk to your Dem party right now, they are already out there knocking on doors to get the disgruntled voters of all stripes to look at the other side of the ticket, or at least to decide to vote AGAINST the Republicans, regardless of who they actually vote FOR.
I mean, it would be nice if they would all pull behind the other major party, but the fewer blind R votes, the better!
Bluntly, I'm not really worried about who is in the running for the presidency in 2016. I'm much more worried about the 2014 elections, both at the state and federal level.


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