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Comments 6

astridmyrna September 23 2013, 15:51:12 UTC
Good lord this is awful. There's a bit of video footage of what was happening inside the mall during the siege, and it's freaky because you can hear shots but the echo makes it feel like it's everywhere.


roseofjuly September 23 2013, 23:22:25 UTC
I am so really confused about what happened - when I saw the death toll had gone up on the second day I was like "WAIT - They're still in there?!" I had no idea it was a siege until like the second or third day of it.

Those poor people; I feel so bad for them. They were probably terrified.


corbyinoz September 24 2013, 02:08:37 UTC
Horrible stuff. Those poor people. I get that one person's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter, but if you want me to listen to your argument or support your cause, don't attack soft targets. Because I will never, never accept the reasoning for thsi kind of thing.


urfvrtweapon September 24 2013, 02:56:53 UTC
"I get that one person's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter

I had a professor that refuted that view because those terrorist always put innocent people in harms way and on purpose. I think he had a point. I can't respect people that do anything like that because innocent people get hurt/killed their no better than the governments in a lot of ways.


corbyinoz September 24 2013, 04:32:39 UTC
I think it's a grey area. Not in this case, and not when civilians are targeted (which was my point re soft targets). But, for example, if you are fighting against an occupying force and ambushing soldiers, the press might label you a terrorist (in part as a means of not afforidng you protection as enemy combatants), to your own people you might be a freedom fighter.

This mob Al Shabbab are acting in response to Kenya's incursion into Somalia. They will have supporters who regard them as freedom fighters. I cannot, because they didn't target the forces who invaded - they've targeted people going about their shopping.


rhysande September 24 2013, 19:20:10 UTC
CNN Update Synopsis:

President Uhuru Kenyatta has announced that the siege is over. 5 terrorists were killed, 11 others have been arrested in connection with the attacks. 61 civilians and 6 security officers were killed in the attack, 175 were injured, 62 still remain in hospital. At least 65 people remain unaccounted for. Bodies are known to be trapped on three of the collapsed floors of the mall. The death toll is expected to rise.


I'm glad it's finally over. 4 days of siege and terror, though... those poor people.


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