Shenanigans Friday: August 16, 2013.

Aug 16, 2013 15:07

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!shenanigans sunday

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Comments 199

gambitia August 16 2013, 19:25:33 UTC
I started listening to Welcome to Night Vale and am almost done with what's been put out so far. I have no idea what I've been listening to.

Also, I feel awful, but I really, really love the Apache Tracker. Mostly because of the descriptions Cecil gives him always make me laugh. "What an asshole" indeed.


castalianspring August 16 2013, 19:30:00 UTC
I love the fancast of "Johnny Depp as Tonto" as the Apache Tracker. B/c YES, PERFECT. Have you see this yet?

It's almost perfect except for their Carlos (Richard Ayoade would be perfect for Carlos instead of Cecil, really).


gambitia August 16 2013, 19:39:53 UTC
I've seen much casting of Depp!Tonto as Apache Tracker, but not this specific instance.

I'm not sure if I'd go Gina Torres for Mayor Pamela. I can't think of the name of the actor I was most imagining her as.


zizzo_no_ai August 16 2013, 20:52:47 UTC
This fan trailer is really good, too!


castalianspring August 16 2013, 19:27:52 UTC
My Welcome to Night Vale obsession continues. I should have a t-shirt arriving in time to wear it to Dragon*Con, yay! I'd love to do a WTNV costume of some sort, but I have a feeling there will be lots anyway.

I marathoned Orange is the New Black this week and really, really enjoyed it. Holy shit, some of these characters break my damn heart. Usually right after making me laugh until I hurt. Good show!

I'm 1000% done with work. I have new weekly meetings that last far, far too long. The worst part is we waste time at the very end of the meeting going back around the group to make everyone talk about a "high" and a "low" of their week. Then we must give "kudos" to someone who helped us out. Because obviously this is kindergarten. These meetings are triggering moderate social anxiety for me (I am not good in a room full of extroverts, no I am not) and I'm just completely done with it.


maynardsong August 16 2013, 20:52:30 UTC
Me too. I'm really fucking pissed off about Daya's pregnancy though. Yet again, there's the backing out of an abortion a-fucking-gain, because abortion is taboo even off the major networks. God damn. Just once I want to see an unwanted pregnancy be terminated.


castalianspring August 16 2013, 22:06:51 UTC
Yeah, I was a bit disappointed about that as well. I mean, I know it's driving a lot of the plot, but all that stuff about wanting to be a mother was just...she can always be a mother after she gets out of prison. If ever there was an inconvenient time to be pregnant, being in prison is it.


fishphile August 16 2013, 21:33:45 UTC
OITNB is my absolute favorite right now. Suzanne Warren is my fave.


keeperofthekeys August 16 2013, 19:28:06 UTC
Starting a big mouse experiment today. I'm not even doing most of the physical work, just directing the experiment, and I'm already feeling fried.

Also lab-related, I was helping the post-doc with another mouse experiment today and one of them bit me. My first real mouse bite!

This week was pretty shitty tbh (found out I wasn't accepted to the NIH conference I applied to) and because of this mouse expt I'm not going to get a break until Dragon*Con. Gotta be in lab every day until then.


fishphile August 16 2013, 22:08:05 UTC
Good luck on the lab work. I can't imagine how frustrating the whole process is.


keeperofthekeys August 18 2013, 23:15:37 UTC
Thank you! Things are going pretty smoothly so far, and I hope that continues through data collection *crosses fingers*

Hope you are well.


the_physicist August 17 2013, 21:17:28 UTC
oh yay, mouse bite! so you on antibiotics now? :(

i've been spending all weekend so far pouring through resources on various metal oxides (there's not enough known about metal oxides at all) trying to work out which ones would be suitable for me to use. it's frustrating, because as soon as I find one with the right energy levels, the boiling point is wrong - or vice versa.


redstar826 August 16 2013, 19:30:54 UTC
I have my orientation meeting for student teaching next week (kiddos return to school day after Labor Day). I'm torn between "OMG YAY EXCITED" and "OMG I'm getting so close to being a real teacher and I dont know what I'm doinggggggg *nervous flailing*"


romp August 17 2013, 03:43:07 UTC


the_physicist August 17 2013, 21:18:03 UTC
you'll be fine. :) just remember the students don't know your training/a new teacher.


theguindo August 16 2013, 19:32:18 UTC
lol that quote is amazing

ANYWAY _P I have been waiting for shenanigans because I have something I think will interest a lot of you.

A kickstarter to fund an effort to track down and interview the surviving Night Witches--Russia's female combat pilots.

It's got about a day left on it and still needs £1,000 to get funded. I think this is a pretty worthwhile thing to throw a few dollars at and even if you can only toss in the minimum £1 that's better than nothing!


fenris_lorsrai August 17 2013, 00:12:05 UTC
Looks like its now funded!


theguindo August 17 2013, 00:26:35 UTC
Yes!! I am so happy that it made it =)

I love hearing stories about women in traditionally male fields, especially combat roles. They're just so fascinating and inspiring! I can't wait to see the end-product.


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