Train Derailment in Spain Leaves Dozens Dead

Jul 24, 2013 21:26

The Spanish newspaper El País paints a bloody picture of the scene of a train derailment in Santiago de Compostela, Spain today ( Read more... )

spain, disasters, transportation

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Comments 10

ginger_maya July 25 2013, 20:06:36 UTC
The driver made the train speed way, way above what was allowed for that part of the track. He should've been going at about 80km/h and he was going at full throttle at 190km/h because he was "five minutes behind schedule". Fucker.


lied_ohne_worte July 25 2013, 21:11:36 UTC
That's horrifying. One would think someone trained to drive a train would also learn that there are reasons why a track segment might have limited speed, which might mean that exceeding it that far would be absolutely unsafe.

The very horrible crash we had in Germany 15 years ago with our modern high-speed trains (I think it might have been the first with those trains where passengers were killed, although I'm not quite sure, and it's so far the worst accident with high-speed trains worldwide) was caused by a construction error/weakening in the wheel type they were using then. That was bad enough - but having such a thing happen because of one person's bad judgment seems particularly tragic.


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