Hitler's Private Photographs

Jul 12, 2013 11:34

These Photos Of Adolf Hitler After Prison Release Are Unbelievable

These are the private photographs Adolf Hitler didn't want anyone to see.

Thankfully completely SFW )

scumbags, slow news day™, trying too hard, picspam

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Comments 24

thepikey July 13 2013, 16:45:02 UTC
Oh Adolf, you saucy little scamp. Look at those jazz hands!


magenta_girl July 13 2013, 16:51:51 UTC
That second one he looks like he's singing "Where is Thumbkin" and has gotten to "where is Pinky?"


darlahood July 13 2013, 16:53:55 UTC
Fruit Cake.


darth_eldritch July 13 2013, 16:56:53 UTC
Now only if he could have found satisfaction with a career in the performing arts.


lied_ohne_worte July 13 2013, 22:08:45 UTC
Or if the art school he'd applied to with his paintings had accepted him.


mercystars July 13 2013, 17:15:13 UTC
these look like stills from a one-man off-off-off-off broadway show


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