Kim Jong Un Gave Out Hitler's Mein Kampf To Senior Officials In Honor Of Birthday

Jun 18, 2013 23:10

Is Kim Jong Un starting an Adolf Hitler book club?

The North Korean leader reportedly gave out copies of Hitler's ideological tome Mein Kampf to select senior officials recently, according to North Korean watchdog news site New Focus International ( Read more... )

north korea, godwins law

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Comments 18

zinnia_rose June 19 2013, 08:30:58 UTC
Mentioning that Hitler managed to rebuild Germany in a short time following its defeat in WWI, Kim Jong-un issued an order for the Third Reich to be studied in depth and asked that practical applications be drawn from it.


Fail harder, North Korea.


chimbleysweep June 19 2013, 08:54:06 UTC
"Mentioning that Hitler managed to rebuild Germany in a short time following its defeat in WWI, Kim Jong-un issued an order for the Third Reich to be studied in depth and asked that practical applications be drawn from it." Wow.


lozbabie June 19 2013, 09:20:16 UTC
He realizes that the Third Reich considers him untermenschen?


dissident June 19 2013, 18:13:36 UTC
Well he did consider us "honorary Aryans" !


pleasure_past June 19 2013, 18:42:28 UTC
I thought the only Asians who got the "honorary Aryan" title were the Japanese?


layweed June 19 2013, 11:12:01 UTC
I tried reading that once when I was 14 or 15. I don't think I got further than the first few pages before giving it up and wondering wtf was going on.


lied_ohne_worte June 19 2013, 12:25:32 UTC
Mhm, I tried it too. It started with all those "and even as a boy, I was totally leading all my friends when we played!" things which even as a teenager I could see was him trying to create his own legendary Führer persona, and then he went into how he developed his ideology through his years of struggle, and it was just mind-numbing. I did read certain parts further into the book that I found through the register, out of interest or because I was writing a paper and wanted to know what he actually wrote about this or that subject, but it's really an extremely badly-written book ( ... )


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ingwerale June 19 2013, 13:40:07 UTC
My german spanish teacher always got a nice "Heil Hitler" accompanied with smile and arm gesture in India whenever he mentioned his nationality.


dissident June 19 2013, 18:14:34 UTC
That is just...


zinnia_rose June 19 2013, 20:12:57 UTC



ingwerale June 19 2013, 13:47:06 UTC
I don't understand why Germany (or Bavaria in that case) does not do more about the copyright infringement by most publishers. This book should only be published in an annoted version for educational purpose and for nothing else.


lied_ohne_worte June 19 2013, 16:15:14 UTC
I wonder how hard it would be to pursue that kind of thing internationally, though - they do keep things under control nationally at least, although I'm not sure what they'll do in 2015.


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