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Comments 21

belleweather June 16 2013, 04:36:30 UTC
As I have been known to mutter occasionally, "There's a reason USCIS sounds a lot like "Useless" if you say it fast."

(edited 'cause it's funner if you spell it right...)


spiegel11th June 16 2013, 05:26:36 UTC
Looks like someone forgot an end tag on their italics.


quicksilvermad June 16 2013, 08:03:57 UTC
Ah, thank you. Fixed now.


tiddlywinks103 June 16 2013, 05:28:15 UTC
THIS IS BULLSHIT. No fucking religion in government, goddamnit!! How hard is that, huh!?!?

This woman is doing more true good for this country than natural-born American pastors, who build fucking gold-plated super churches in the deserts of Texas!

Omg, fuck this. I CANNOT. And it has already been ruled on, by the SCOTUS how can they keep doing this?


alryssa June 16 2013, 05:54:02 UTC
It's total BS, and yet there are still several states that have it in their own Constitutions that one must believe in God in order to hold public office.


(The comment has been removed)

tiddlywinks103 June 16 2013, 23:42:04 UTC
csb time:

I was driving around Texas visiting my brother, and as we pass yet another field of nothing, I see in the distance a shiny building being constructed. I asked my brother what it was, and he said, of this at least 3 story building, that, "Oh, that's a church being built". I looked closer and I saw that it was rimmed in shiny gold metal that almost blinded me, and I was like, "Wtf? Is that gold?" and my bro was like, "It's Texas, they do churches big here".

I disgusted beyond reason. So, yeah, fuck this law.


tigerdreams June 16 2013, 08:11:54 UTC
I don't have anything coherent to say right now. I am just full of rage.


ruby_chalice June 16 2013, 10:02:52 UTC
Wow America! Equality under the law ... as long as you believe in a god?


hinoema June 16 2013, 10:17:04 UTC
The right one, mind you. A letter from the local Imam probably wouldn't go over well with that crowd.


kittenmommy June 16 2013, 18:38:01 UTC
No, probably not.


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