Man calls Solihull police to complain about prostitute's looks

Jun 13, 2013 16:36

A man has been warned after he dialled 999 to complain about a prostitute's looks after meeting her.West Midlands Police said they were contacted by the caller who said he "wished to report her for breaching the Sale of Goods Act". The force said the call was received at about 19:30 BST on Tuesday complaining that the woman was not as attractive ( Read more... )

sex work, stupid people, wtf, sexism, fuck this guy, uk, misogyny

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Comments 12

cuterabbit33 June 13 2013, 16:08:55 UTC
Wow. Wow.

I got nothing.


kittenmommy June 14 2013, 03:25:21 UTC

You stole my comment.


nextdrinksonme June 13 2013, 16:22:45 UTC
Beggers can't be choosers, dude.


lamardeuse June 13 2013, 17:01:02 UTC
So if he admitted to engaging the services of a prostitute, why didn't they arrest his ass?

Stop the world, I want to get off.


sentinelsoul June 13 2013, 17:07:33 UTC
I will be disappointed if this doesn't make it to WTFIWWY next Monday. I would love to see Nash and Tara riff on this.

Dude's an idiot. I'll give him, like, .00001 of credit for creatively trying to pull this out of his ass, but otherwise, no, he's an idiot. And he's lucky they didn't just throw his ass in jail and be done with it.


vulturoso June 13 2013, 18:02:23 UTC
"I told him that she'd not committed any offences and that it was his actions, in soliciting for sex, that were in fact illegal."

Refreshing to hear the man being blamed, for once.


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