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Comments 19

recorded May 17 2013, 05:06:37 UTC
How come NC is so backwoods?


obsidianwolf May 17 2013, 12:08:08 UTC
Republican super majority, and now a Republican governor so they've got a rubber stamp to do whatever backwards thing they want.


fluffydragon May 17 2013, 12:15:14 UTC
We weren't before the elections, I swear. We were NOT this fucking bad. We were well on our way to actually starting to become blue, or at least, you know, sane.

I am so fucking mad at my state right now that i can't even.

We are a PRIME FUCKING EXAMPLE of dicks who vote against our own interest. Yesterday I saw a car with a bumper sticker for Pat McCrory, another that said "If you aren't pissed off, you aren't paying taxes" and a plate that said "STR84WRD". I wanted to do bad things to his car with my mental powers.

Some of my friends, who even live here, have no goddamn clue. THey were IN FAVOR of the goddamn consent bill before it got dropped - the one where minors would have to get consent from their parents to be treated for mental illnesses and STDS.

I'm done. I want to leave now. I want to go to MD where most of my family and in-laws live already.



recorded May 17 2013, 17:38:44 UTC
Is NC a victim of gerrymandering? Or is its populous really that republican?


romp May 17 2013, 05:07:12 UTC
What a great comment. I know the fanatics can't be reached but it says something that these women look like they belong in a debate on the topic.

OP, I will now always see this icon as yours as being peeved about commenting shenanigans.


d00ditsemily May 18 2013, 11:35:44 UTC
Me and Peeta were not happy to live in Cluster #7 tbh


blackjedii May 17 2013, 09:43:00 UTC
The lawmakers probably liked them dressed that way tbqh. It's ~good ol America during the good years~ and stuff


kittenmommy May 17 2013, 17:01:25 UTC

That was my thought too.


zinnia_rose May 18 2013, 00:52:23 UTC
Idk, they probably thought they had too much leg showing.


sunhawk May 17 2013, 11:04:05 UTC
"We should not be forcing taxpayer to fund procedures they find morally objectionable."

Here's a crazy idea, it's nobody's goddamn business and they shouldn't get to have a say in what other people do with their bodies! ARGH THESE ASSHOLES


maynardsong May 17 2013, 11:47:49 UTC
Then that means I shouldn't have my tax dollars used for drilling or more sprawl building right?


skellington1 May 17 2013, 15:39:21 UTC
IKR? Or, y'know, WARS.


gambitia May 17 2013, 12:30:22 UTC
"We should not be forcing taxpayer to fund procedures they find morally objectionable"

Funny how it's unpatriotic if I don't want my tax dollars going towards meaningless wars, oil subsidies, or bailing out "too-big-to-fail" banks, but when it's birth control suddenly it's a-ok!


zinnia_rose May 18 2013, 00:53:26 UTC
That's a terrific idea for a protest. Too bad nobody actually gives a shit what women think about their own bodies. :/


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