A Wedding With A Difference - That Made A Difference!

May 08, 2013 21:06

Today we bring you a unique story. A story of two people with exemplary courage, spirit and ideals. A story that shows, more than any Bollywood movie can, that true love has a higher purpose. That marriages can achieve a lot. Even more surprisingly, what mere weddings can achieve a lot! So read, learn and be amazed.

I was thinking that morning - ( Read more... )

adoption, hiv/aids, india, marriage

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Comments 6

poetic_pixie_13 May 9 2013, 13:53:36 UTC
God this is so sweet. Both my parents lived in India for a large part of their lives and even when you hear about all the bad shit that's happening even now I know there are incredible people like this who are making real change. I wish them a happy, fulfilling marriage.

I do hate how competitive weddings can get. I swear, if my mom or theoretical mother-in-law wanted something extravagant or flashy I couldn't do it. The donations instead of gifts is fantastic. For my little brother's first birthday we asked people donate to the Children's Wish Foundation instead of getting gifts and I've wanted to do that for my wedding for so long. I do want a fancy red wedding sari tho cause so pretty >.>

I like the slow but growing trend of non-traditional marriages and weddings, you don't have to give up your roots or your culture in order to create a life that's good for you.

(I'mma ask that non-Desi/South Asian folks not critique cultural norms and values around marriage and weddings.)


natyanayaki May 10 2013, 01:37:34 UTC
I do hate how competitive weddings can get.Me too! I don't want to get totally down on gifts, for so many couples gifts offer something important for practical reasons, and there's nothing wrong with that. But sometimes, in South Asian weddings, it can be too much --specifically when families will literally display the jewelry and clothes that they're giving the bride (both the bride and groom's family), and in terms of jewelry there's now a trend for brides to wear "front" necklaces and "back" necklaces; if a bride wants that and can do that great for her, but that would terrify me (and nauseate me to some extent ( ... )


tabaqui May 9 2013, 16:37:26 UTC
A lovely story. Nice to read something positive!


teaoli May 9 2013, 17:04:36 UTC
This is a lovely story about two lovely people!


ravewalker May 9 2013, 17:28:26 UTC
That is absolutely fantastic.


influencethis May 9 2013, 17:28:55 UTC
I just want to hug everyone involved in this story.


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