Gun Protesters Plan March on Washington With Loaded Rifles to 'Put The Government on Notice'

May 05, 2013 14:55

Almost 900 people are RSVPed for a July 4th march on Washington, D.C. where protesters plan to carry loaded rifles. In D.C., openly carrying guns is against the law. But the organizer of the event, libertarian radio host Adam Kokesh, says the march is an act of “civil disobedience” that attempts to prove gun advocates’ point in the “SUBTLEST way ( Read more... )

guns, fuck this guy, nra, america fuck yeah

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schexyschteve May 5 2013, 19:12:13 UTC
I'm sure the government, THE ONES WHO ARE IN CHARGE OF THE ARMY WITH THEIR GIANT GUNS AND TANKS AND GOD KNOWS WHAT ELSE, are cowering in their boots at the thought of some loons with rifles.

But for real, y'all are delusional and need to gtfo of this country. This isn't the Wild West, and the faster you can realize that the better off we'll all be.


farchivist May 8 2013, 01:14:11 UTC
I'm referring to the hunters, the survivalists, the doomsday preppers, and most importantly the vets. Have you seen the numbers for unemployment in vets? Have you seen the backlog that the VA gets? You think that there isn't a pretty big well of resentment built up right now?I think it's a useless well of resentment. A negligible one that will have little effect ( ... )


alexvdl May 8 2013, 01:25:05 UTC
Do you think that a government that is willing to sacrifice 18-20% of it's population is one worth being a part of? Who is going to take on that 18-20%? I think that the idea that all of the urban/suburbanites would fall on the blue side of the divide is as ridiculous as saying that all of the rural population would fall on the red side. You're not going to see state by state division like you saw in the Civil War ( ... )


farchivist May 8 2013, 02:37:57 UTC
Do you think that a government that is willing to sacrifice 18-20% of it's population is one worth being a part of?

I think that's a meaningless question. My choices are to side with the American government who will at least pretend to give a shit about me or to side with the gung-ho militia folk out in the wilderness. Who is more likely to turn me into a brood mare? Hmmmm.

Who is going to take on that 18-20%?

American military.

I think that the idea that all of the urban/suburbanites would fall on the blue side of the divide is as ridiculous as saying that all of the rural population would fall on the red side.

That won't be how it actually divides, but that is how the rebels will view it, according to the propaganda they put out on Free Republic, Rapture Ready, etc. Am I to assume they will not act on what they state? That's foolish.

You're not going to see state by state division like you saw in the Civil War.Correct. It will be urban/suburban versus rural. You see, only in the rural areas do Real Americans reside, the ( ... )


alexvdl May 8 2013, 02:48:12 UTC
The US Military doesn't have the manpower or the charter to provide police action in the continental US. We can't effectively hold an area smaller than Texas and we have a Coalition of nations helping us. You maybe have enough manpower to hold onto the bases that you already have. That's IF the US Military retains their personnel. The moment that the Army is used against US citizens you're going to find that the Army is a lot smaller than you expected it to be ( ... )


farchivist May 8 2013, 03:16:53 UTC
The US Military doesn't have the manpower or the charter to provide police action in the continental US.

When combined with federal, state, and local authorities, I disagree. Granted, there will be problem areas, but proper strategic and tactical planning will resolve those difficulties.

The moment that the Army is used against US citizens you're going to find that the Army is a lot smaller than you expected it to be.

I disagree entirely. I predict a defection of maybe 10-15% at best; more than likely it's going to turn out like the OAS attempt in the Algiers putsch and the vast majority of American soldiers will refuse the call for coup d'etat.

What corporations are going to help? Why would they do so? How does that benefit their bottom line?The Global 500 and Fortune 500 are going to be prominent. Are you not aware that far-conservative rhetoric is that the corporations are all liberal and involved in crony capitalism and thus need to be destroyed? If the rebels win, boom, that's the end of those corporations. All the ( ... )


alexvdl May 8 2013, 03:32:40 UTC
EDIT: Realized that if I'm advocating the end of the discussion, making new points isn't really kosher.

I'm not advocating for a rebellion/insurrection/what have you. I'm not of the belief that such a thing needs to happen. I'm not picking a side. I'm saying that if it came down to it, the US Military would not be nearly as effective as people in this thread seems to think it would be and that this country wouldn't survive another civil war.

It's obvious that I'm not going to change your mind or Underlanker's. I hope that there never comes a day in which we find out which of us is right. I'd like to thank both of you for having this discussion with me. It was pretty edifying, and I enjoyed it immensely.


hinoema May 6 2013, 03:45:50 UTC
I think you're giving this lot way too much credit for actual capability.


alexvdl May 6 2013, 04:02:58 UTC
I think that assuming that because your enemy is an idiot he can't hurt you and those you care about is a pretty bad idea.


hinoema May 6 2013, 04:20:12 UTC
Oh, I don't doubt that they could do harm. I just think it legitimizes them far too much to refer to 'civil war'. I'm sure they'd love that kind of comparison, to make them feel justified.


alexvdl May 6 2013, 04:25:38 UTC
Oh, not this protest. This protest is dumb.

I was referring to the idea that the government having bigger guns and a standing army means that we have nothing to worry about if things went downhill.


hinoema May 6 2013, 04:35:06 UTC
Ah! Understood. Yeah, a government's ability to kick its' own populations' ass is not exactly a bragging point. XD

I kind of doubt the 'protest' will actually happen. I'm getting a very Westboro vibe.


underlankers May 7 2013, 00:55:16 UTC
No, but it is a cautionary point. Insurgencies against real armies with 21st Century firepower do not and cannot work. The attempt to do so will bring the misery of a useless, foredoomed to fail, poorly-structured set of mass attacks on civilians. If things go downhill, the power of the government's firepower is not the problem, the problem is how things got to that point in the first place. Besides, the people most obsessive about 'tyranny' are most likely to be the NKVD-KGB/SS equivalents of a real one.


underlankers May 6 2013, 13:53:27 UTC
Nobody's saying that. They wouldn't, however, be able to inflict harm where it counts.


roseofjuly May 7 2013, 05:05:31 UTC
This wouldn't be the Civil War; that was two sides with roughly equal resources in terms of weaponry. This would be a small contingent of gun enthusiasts (let's even double the RSVP and say...2,000) vs. the military industrial complex of the U.S., with all their technology and weaponry.


alexvdl May 7 2013, 05:18:18 UTC
You're right. This rally wouldn't be it. As I said to hinoema, this rally is dumb. I was more speaking to the idea that the US government doesn't need to fear it's population just because it has a military industrial complex. The US Military is not a police force. We have enough problems using them as one in Afghanistan. Attempting to use them as one on US soil would not end well.


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