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Comments 22

tadashee April 22 2013, 03:05:14 UTC
I will never understand why people say reporters have a liberal bias. They have that because normally the liberal point of view is the reasonable/ common sense/ innate human one. It's hard to take an outrageous stance when reporting although I guess the Koch brothers want to fix that.


nitasee April 22 2013, 17:03:08 UTC
As Steven Colbert says, reality as a liberal bias.


little_rachael April 23 2013, 06:53:00 UTC


romp April 22 2013, 04:45:01 UTC
Oi. The mainstream press has been weak for years but sometimes produces really good investigations. Rolling Stone still does and LA Times did a few years ago, at least.

I can't think Koch can do anything positive so...


hinoema April 22 2013, 04:48:05 UTC
If people don't know that this is the corporate hand in the Republican puppet, they aren't paying attention.

The papers, valued at roughly $623 million, would be a financially diminutive deal for Koch Industries, the energy and manufacturing conglomerate based in Wichita, Kan., with annual revenue of about $115 billion.

And they probably paid a pittance of taxes, which were offset by all their welfare benefits.

While the evidence for Koch Industries tax avoidance is inconclusive, the government subsidies and tax-free benefits that accrue to the "libertarian" Koch brothers have been documented by the New York Observer and the Institute for Public Accuracy. Their ranching operations use federal land for free. Their Georgia-Pacific paper company uses taxpayer-funded logging roads. Their Iowa ethanol plants are highly subsidized by the government. Charles Koch vehemently defends private property rights, but his company used eminent domain to remove Minnesota homeowners who were in the way of his company's new gas pipeline.Reply

recorded April 22 2013, 10:15:22 UTC
Is this a good long term plan for their ~plot~ though? Are newspapers even going to make it?
Does anyone know if the online versions of print newspapers are doing well?


hinoema April 22 2013, 11:29:13 UTC
"Thinly sliced trees", right? I haven't read a paper in a decade. I don't read online papers, either- I read the articles secondhand via aggregates like _P.


romp April 23 2013, 02:26:21 UTC

thesunflwr April 22 2013, 13:11:32 UTC
This is scary. We already have so many people in the public, in Congress and in some media brainwashed by the fossil fuel industry and their affiliates. (Remember when climate change was considered science and not a "liberal hoax"?) Newspapers are suffering and aren't perfect, but the last thing we need is for the Koch bros. to have another avenue to spread their lies and exert control. Yeah right, they'll respect the independence of papers they buy...


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