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Comments 12

hinoema April 13 2013, 19:23:02 UTC
Two Republican members of the state House of Representatives and a former state GOP chairman have filed a petition to remove 189 members of the state House...

We already have a petition style system for that. It's called VOTING, and you lost, so STFD.


romp April 13 2013, 20:10:27 UTC
This law is all that's preventing an "open season on women"? Then you have other problems in NH.


tabaqui April 13 2013, 20:29:44 UTC
For fuck's sake, this.


aviv_b April 13 2013, 23:24:32 UTC
Its pretty much open season on women by Repug state legislatures just about everywhere. And most of them don't even have stand your ground laws.


tabaqui April 13 2013, 20:30:51 UTC
Oh, fuck you, you ridiculous, paranoid morons. Gah.


angelus7988 April 13 2013, 20:37:34 UTC
I'm curious. How would these people feel about Stand Your Ground if someone with anxiety or paranoid delusions winds up "feeling threatened"? What about someone feeling threatened by gun-nut whoengage in blatant intimidation exercise their 2nd Amendment rights by toting AK-47s in public? How keen would they be on giving people the right to kill others just for looking at them funny then?


liliaeth April 13 2013, 21:32:32 UTC
Or what if an African American decided to use the 'stand your ground' argument, when he or she felt threatened by a white guy (or woman)


rex_dart April 13 2013, 21:47:47 UTC
If women are under such threat from murderers and rapists in the wilderness that they have to carry firearms, there are way more important pieces of legislation that need to be passed than bullshit stand your ground laws.


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