For your consideration....

Mar 12, 2013 13:23

Reports: Iran planning lawsuit against Hollywood over Oscar-winning movie ‘Argo’

By Associated Press, Updated: Tuesday, March 12, 1:15 PM

TEHRAN, Iran - Iran is planning to sue Hollywood over the Oscar-winning “Argo” because of the movie’s allegedly “unrealistic portrayal” of the country, Iranian media reported Tuesday.

Several news outlets, ( Read more... )

movies, diplomacy, iran, not the onion

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Comments 53

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myrrhmade March 12 2013, 22:18:51 UTC


wrestlingdog March 13 2013, 02:19:12 UTC


maenads_dance March 12 2013, 18:44:38 UTC
I clearly remember Argo starting with a voiceover narration by one of the female Iranian revolutionaries seen later in the movie describing the reasons for the revolution, including US support for the Shah.


teacoat March 12 2013, 19:04:38 UTC
This. I thought the film actually did a very god job of contextualizing the hostage crisis.


seeinglife March 12 2013, 19:04:27 UTC
In 2007, the hit American movie “300” angered Iranians who said the Greeks-versus-Persians action flick insults their ancient culture and provokes animosity against Iran.

Am I thinking too pessimistically, or would many Americans not even realize that Iranians are Persian?


rufinia March 12 2013, 19:31:09 UTC
No, that's about accurate.


carmy_w March 12 2013, 19:41:32 UTC
I think they would, but it really doesn't matter either way, IMO.

"300" is/was based on a comic book (I was told this by a friend who saw it-correct me if I'm wrong), not history, for one; for another, if you want to get into the history, it's set in (off to IMDB) 480 B.C.

How does a movie based on a comic book based on a 2500 year old battle manage to have ANY historical accuracy at all, let alone enough to insult the descendants of the warriors?


anolinde March 12 2013, 20:25:47 UTC
Lol, right? If you're getting offended over a Hollywood adaptation of a fight that happened in 480 BC, you need to rethink your priorities.


underlankers March 12 2013, 19:05:28 UTC
I know people criticized the movie on grounds of historical acccuracy, but if you're looking to Hollywood to provide a replay of reality, you're looking in the wrong place to begin with. And if Iran thinks it has a snowball's chance in Hell to pull this suit off, they're crazier than I think they are.


nitasee March 12 2013, 20:22:05 UTC
Affleck has been up front that it's not wholly accurate. He's stated that things were changed for dramatic purposes and not to look at the film as pure history.


everstar3 March 12 2013, 20:42:14 UTC
I was pretty sure it wasn't purely historical if only because I don't think you could confirm airline tickets instantly in the seventies. Plus, that car/plane chase seemed a little exaggerated.


kittenmommy March 13 2013, 01:35:19 UTC

I don't think you could confirm airline tickets instantly in the seventies.

LOL no, you could not.


kittenmommy March 12 2013, 19:11:37 UTC

They're suing Hollywood? Not the studio, not the writer(s), not the director(s) or the producer(s)... but Hollywood?

Yeah, good luck with that.


alexvdl March 12 2013, 20:01:42 UTC
LISTEN HERE BIG WHITE SIGN! You've spread your lies and your bullshit about Iran for the last time!


kittenmommy March 12 2013, 20:18:04 UTC

Yeah... I've got nothing. LOL


squeeful March 13 2013, 01:48:43 UTC
Hollywood is an actual city. You can sue cities, but it's kind of silly in this instance because Hollywood isn't Hollywood, CA but a stand-in for the entertainment industry.


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