Anti-homophobia campaign tests Quebecers on acceptance

Mar 04, 2013 14:38

'Anti-homophobia campaign tests Quebecers on acceptance'

'Campaign asks: are you really open?'

A new anti-homophobia campaign launched by the provincial government is asking Quebecers if they are really open to sexual diversity.

The government says the campaign is meant to ensure the full recognition of the rights of individuals who are a part of ( Read more... )

quebec, canada, homophobia, transphobia, advertising, lgbtq / gender & sexual minorities, tv

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Comments 2

chomsky_rabbit March 6 2013, 02:31:48 UTC
Currently living in Quebec and I can tell you that this ad is testing. People are not open about homosexuality. I would love to have my province get better and improve and open up to sexuality and gender identities but we are far from that.
I mean, I had to have an argument with my mother at the end because she truly was unwilling to comprehend.
I just wish that my province uses these ads to understand the bullying and the pain related to homosexuality and gender identity.


soleiltropiques March 6 2013, 16:23:45 UTC
I'm from Quebec as well.

I'm sorry you've had a hard time -we obviously still have a long ways to go with regards to treating people decently, here.


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