The Obama administration on Friday urged the Supreme Court to strike down the Defense Of Marriage Act in a brief that calls the law unconstitutional because it violates "the fundamental guarantee of equal protection
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It's interesting that once again, the Obama administration is urging a different agency to deal with an issue it is capable of dealing with itself. Legal advisors told the President that he had the power to repeal DADT himself, but he chose to wait and let Congress take care of it. Now a similar situation presents itself in regards to DOMA. Of course there's no problems using executive powers to pay our congresspeople more.
That being said, I'm looking forward to DOMA being knocked down, whatever the method. There are some military weddings I'd like to attend.
That being said, I'm looking forward to DOMA being knocked down, whatever the method. There are some military weddings I'd like to attend.
I hope that I haven't shown you or your fiance any disrespect. It wasn't my intent.
Congratulations, and I hope you can legally, unequivocally marry soon!
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