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wldrose February 18 2013, 20:05:53 UTC
the complete opposite of "my new boy friend dosent like cats so can you find a home for these 3 year old brother and sister they are so sweet you will have no problems placing them"


(The comment has been removed)

natyanayaki February 20 2013, 02:20:11 UTC
:-) Thanks.


cinnamontoast February 19 2013, 14:53:31 UTC
Same here. A relationship with a person who has allergies wouldn't have a chance get off the ground. They wouldn't be able to spend time with me at my house/apartment. I take my dog with me everywhere I can. I hate leaving her alone when there's a chance that I can take her with me. That would also limit dating a person with allergies.

So, yeah. A relationship with an allergic person wouldn't work out. If they were serious about wanting a relationship with me, they'd have to either find an anti-histamine that they could take on a regular basis (like every day) or go through the series of shots for allergies.

Otherwise, there's just no way for a relationship to grow.

Luckily, my husband loves animals.


moonshaz February 19 2013, 06:32:53 UTC
The thing is, it doesn't necessarily have to be an either/or choice. I am allergic as hell to my cat, but with the proper medication, I manage to live with him just fine. (There are allergy shots for cat allergy, too, which I've considered looking into one of these days.)

Even if medication doesn't work for someone, you can keep the dander problem way down by just bathing the cat regularly. (If I wasn't too lazy to bathe my cat a couple of times a month, I probably wouldn't have to take as much mnedication as I do, lol.) Also, there are certain breeds that produce less dander and therefore don't cause allergic reactions as readily or severely.

Seriously, there are actually a LOT of things that can be done so that a person with allergies CAN enjoy having a furball in their life. It takes motivation, true, but if somebody didn't love me enough to pop a pill once every 24 hours, I think I might question their commitment level anyway! ;p


natyanayaki February 19 2013, 06:53:46 UTC
Yeah, I know ;-). Sometimes there can be extenuating circumstances, and it's on my mind because my cousin-in-law is going through it and then I get worried that it's obviously going to happen to me, because like her I just really need a dog in my life...and AHHHHH. But, it seems that my cousin-in-law has found the solution, so I'm less paranoid about it now...sorta. :-P


ineverycolor February 19 2013, 18:59:43 UTC
Personally, I don't know how I'd even get close to someone if their allergies were that bad. They could never come to my house so I don't see how a relationship would even develop.


natyanayaki February 19 2013, 21:07:22 UTC
That makes a lot of sense, my problem is that I currently don't have a fur-ball, so I have to interrogate any potentials (not that there ever are, the whole relationship thing makes me nauseous LOL). ;-)


kittenmommy February 19 2013, 07:57:28 UTC

Slightly OT but not liking animals is one of my top deal breakers, and if I had a boyfriend who told me he didn't like my cat and wanted me to kick her out, I'd kick his ass to the curb and not look back. The cat's more useful and loyal than the bf would be.

Definitely! Disliking cats (or even having a cat allergy!) was a dealbreaker to me because I've had cats all my life.


illusivevenstar February 19 2013, 19:35:41 UTC
Yeah, i find out if the person i'm dating likes animals because if they don't, there is just no way it will work. i will not give up my cats and my dog.

you usually hear about allergies right away, too.


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