Investigators: Explosives found in hostage bunker; kidnapper shot first

Feb 06, 2013 10:08

Federal investigators late Tuesday revealed that they have found explosives in the bunker where a 5-year-old Alabama boy was held hostage for nearly a week -- and that the kidnapper was killed only after opening fire first himself.
According to a law enforcement source close to the investigation, two explosives -- one inside the bunker and one in ( Read more... )

fbi, alabama, police, nbc, children

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Comments 4

moonshaz February 6 2013, 22:50:05 UTC
It's good to read some details about the rescue. I have been really curious about how they finally managed to get the kid out, as well as what took them so long. This article answers a lot of my questions!

I can't help wondering what the HELL was going on in that man's brain that motivated him to kill a school bus driver and snatch a child. It's a bit of a jump from being the neighborhood crank, even one that commits extreme animal abuse, and doing what he did.

Sometimes I think I should have been a shrink, because I ALWAYS want to know not just WHAT happened, but all the inner psychological reasons why, lol.


natyanayaki February 7 2013, 03:41:14 UTC
I agree, I don't understand it at all when people say they don't want to know even in books or tv shows, some people hate it if the author tries to explore why someone does bad things, and I don't understand that at all. I think it's important to ask why, and to try to understand why, to see signs, to try to figure out how to prevent these things from happening etc etc

One thing though, animal abuse seems to signal psychopathy. It seems that psychopaths or sociopaths start off with less dangerous (to themselves) attacks (attacks against insects, the rodents, then dogs, then cats for example) then work their way up to humans (easier more vulnerable humans first, then higher risk humans).


natyanayaki February 7 2013, 03:11:57 UTC
Thank you so much!


mirandagirll February 7 2013, 03:30:33 UTC
That's not too far from me, but I'm glad they finally got the kid out.


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