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Comments 26

othellia February 1 2013, 06:24:02 UTC
I don't like the tone of the article either, but the fact that the Ravens are taking other cheerleaders who gained weight makes me think that it's more related to her retirement than her body image.


teacoat February 3 2013, 16:08:04 UTC
The article says they were taking other cheerleaders who had been benched during the season for gaining weight, not other cheerleaders that gained weight before the Super Bowl. It's possible that they were allowed to go because they got back down to an ~acceptable weight~ before the Super Bowl, whereas Lenz did not.


stainedfeathers February 1 2013, 07:37:45 UTC
Having gone through the past two years of losing weight/tracking my weight it made me doubletake at the line: "She thinks it's because she gained 1.4 pounds during the season." -Really-? I, like most people, fluctuate by a pound or more over the course of a day, and twice that when my menstrual cycle hits. Weight doesn't stay at a stationary number, it fluctuates so I doubt she's 124 lbs all the time; she's more likely 122-126 depending on time of day, meals, and time of month. I don't doubt they have weight standards that are tough and ridiculous, but this tends to make me question her story right off the bat...


hawkward February 1 2013, 09:32:03 UTC
As another one who's doing the weight-tracking thing, iawtc.


eyetosky February 1 2013, 20:11:56 UTC
I had a bit of a stop and blink at that, too.

1.4? That's... well, that's frankly just one good poopin' away, really.


teacoat February 3 2013, 16:05:18 UTC
When they have weigh-ins though, I'm sure the cheerleaders do everything possible to make sure they're at the lowest end of their weight range, like wrestlers will do before a match.


switch_heart February 1 2013, 13:29:39 UTC
I'm sorry but as far as research shows, no other girl on the team announced their retirement at the end of the regular season. Also if she is in fact putting in less hours and pushing for chances outside of cheer leading then she does not deserve to go to the Super Bowl. The other girls selected clearly are staying on the team and deserve to go.

As others have mentioned above, 1.4 pounds can fluctuate depending on diet, where you are in your cycle, if you've drank enough water that day. And tied in, other girls who have gained weight are already going!
Using any sort of body shaming as a rallying call in a situation where it is not a factor is offensive to those who actually are cut off from opportunities because of their body.


blackjedii February 1 2013, 23:56:54 UTC
Not that we'll ever know the "real" reason but to be honest - if she wasn't putting in the hours, I'd put that over supposed "weight gain." If she'd gained say, 10 - 20 pounds I could definitely see some discrimination going on but I have a feeling this is more just an unlucky break that her retirement is at the same time as her team finally getting to go and she's grasping at straws so she can go out for a last hurrah.

I really like the fact that the Internet can bring up worthy causes but... I'm sorry guys. I just don't see this as a worthy cause so much as Support The Pretty Person getting manipulated for her benefit. :/


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