Yair Lapid, Israel's man of the 'future'

Jan 26, 2013 18:56

Jerusalem (CNN) -- Yair Lapid, the charismatic journalist-turned-politician who surprisingly vaulted to second place in Israel's national election, has long been a familiar face across the Jewish state ( Read more... )

benjamin netanyahu, israel

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Comments 12

Mod Note: source link ladypolitik January 26 2013, 17:15:17 UTC
Please add your link, thanks


Re: Mod Note: source link ikilledkenny86 January 26 2013, 17:20:26 UTC
Oops, knew I forgot something. Done :)


Re: Mod Note: source link ladypolitik January 26 2013, 17:22:25 UTC
Thanks :D


metanoiame January 26 2013, 18:57:24 UTC
Well, he might do some good for Israeli domestic politics, especially if he manages to push a coalition government towards dismantling the exemptions given to ultra-orthodox community. But he's definitely not a progressive when it comes towards foreign politics, the Palestinian conflict, and Israel's image in the world, in case anyone was wondering...


hinoema January 26 2013, 19:03:19 UTC
I was. My first thought was 'is he less of an asshole?'


metanoiame January 26 2013, 20:06:10 UTC
From what (little) I know, he seems to be not an asshole, but not NOT an asshole. He's not openly racist and xenophobic, and he is for two-state negotiations, but he also supports settlers and calls for Jerusalem be completely under Israeli control. So, we'll see how this turns out...at least Israeli voters are showing they don't always blindly support right-wing governments.


serendipity_15 January 27 2013, 03:13:28 UTC
So he's potentially less of an asshole then?


milleniumrex January 26 2013, 21:14:31 UTC
There's a big hunger in Israel for a party that leans conservative on foreign and security issues, but takes a more progressive stance socially. Lapid is the first politician to really capitalize on it.


apostle_of_eris January 27 2013, 06:38:16 UTC
"definitely sucks less" is not my ultimate wish list, but less bad is better.


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