CNN: Palin's husband testifies he never pressured official

Oct 08, 2008 20:09

Palin's husband testifies he never pressured official

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troopergate, sarah palin / palin family

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Comments 5

heather October 9 2008, 03:25:42 UTC
First Dude denied any wrongdoing???

I'm shocked.


sideofzen October 9 2008, 03:48:29 UTC
Damn. I was totally expecting him to say he did it.


koalafrog October 9 2008, 04:26:32 UTC
God I can't wait until this election is over and I don't have to look at her smug cunty face anymore.


dinosaur October 9 2008, 07:07:57 UTC
Haven't there been three different versions as to why Monegan was fired? Something stinks.

Some people in Alaska have dubbed Todd as the "Shadow Governor." You think he would have ended the practice now that he's on the national stage, but he's still sitting in on his wife's meetings.


cookie_nut October 9 2008, 14:05:23 UTC
If the investigation finds he DID had involvement (which seems likely since he and his wife are joined at the hip) in trying to get the man fired, wouldn't he have purgered himself?


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