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Comments 25

rainbow_fish January 8 2013, 19:19:33 UTC

... )


halfshellvenus January 8 2013, 19:26:29 UTC
God, what a fabulous Gif!


jeunelis January 8 2013, 19:22:55 UTC
How about you go fuck yourselves AIG.


halfshellvenus January 8 2013, 19:25:30 UTC
"If AIG enters this suit it would be the equivalent of a patient suing their doctor for saving their life"

Exactly. Don't like it? Well then, give the money back and fail all over again.

F***ing ingrates. :(


agentsculder January 8 2013, 22:33:41 UTC
To be fair, they did give the money back, plus interest. But I understand what you mean. The largess of the US government is the only reason why the company still exists!


cpsings4him January 8 2013, 19:26:44 UTC


mutive January 8 2013, 19:29:33 UTC
Yeah, this bothers the hell out of me.

Tough luck that they "didn't need to be bailed out". They only didn't because all the people they owed insurance money to were bailed out, so didn't collect.

Same thing for Goldman Sachs and a lot of the others. Hey, the financial system didn't collapse, so...you did okay.

I am still furious at the government for *not* taking far stronger measures to prevent this in the future. Yes, I know that both parties are in the financial sector's pocket. But I still would *love* to see at least one of them take this on and be like, "You don't donate any money to my next campaign? I don't give a @#$@."


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