George Will: Higher voter turnout is bad because Hitler

Dec 27, 2012 15:09

by Laura Clawson

George Will is very concerned that the Obama administration is talking about trying to make it easier to register to vote and vote, which Will sees as a slippery slope toward mandatory voting, which would be bad because "As indifferent or reluctant voters are nagged to the polls-or someday prodded there by a monetary penalty for ( Read more... )

no country for old white men, you stay classy, opinion piece, voting, republicans, godwins law, honkeyshines

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Comments 25

baka_tenshi December 28 2012, 03:36:59 UTC
in other words, george is just scared that the brown people might actually be able to register to vote and might actually do it.

and, of course, likened that to hitler because, hey, who hasn't done that today?


fishphile December 28 2012, 03:38:22 UTC
I actually read this piece with the same look on my face as that one Oprah squinting gif.

The logical leaps needed to make this make any kind of sense are just amazing.


mollywobbles867 December 28 2012, 03:39:07 UTC
Mandatory voting seems to work for Australia.


liliaeth December 28 2012, 08:31:09 UTC
Belgium has mandatory voting as well, and the only negative effect it has is the amount of votes for protest parties. (many of which in Belgium are unfortunately for right wing parties)


merinnan December 28 2012, 09:14:34 UTC
Indeed. I quite like our mandatory voting system, because it cuts out the sort of voter suppression I constantly see in the US at election time.

And to be more precise, what's mandatory here is turning up to a polling booth and having your name marked off. You do not have to submit a valid vote if you don't want to.


chaya December 28 2012, 16:05:35 UTC
Iiiiiiiinteresting. I didn't know that part. (Is that Australia or Belgium?)


moonshaz December 28 2012, 03:40:17 UTC
Will quotes longtime bad guy Hans von Spakovsky and cites the example of Nazi Germany.

... )


blackjedii December 28 2012, 03:42:04 UTC
That is my favorite cat-related website in like, everr


(The comment has been removed)

jasonbeast December 28 2012, 13:01:49 UTC


mahsox_mahsox December 28 2012, 14:59:47 UTC
Poor people too, I suspect.


thepikey December 29 2012, 04:23:57 UTC
And young people. You know, those who haven't had time to amass capital to buy property, and gain a proper perspective on events that comes with age.

So yeah, old rich whitey is good, anything else is bad.


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