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Comments 147

havok_for_god December 16 2012, 15:08:18 UTC
Someone on my FB posted a picture with a quote saying, "The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun." REALLY? That's the ONLY thing? I can't.


sihaya09 December 16 2012, 16:20:24 UTC
Some one on mind did, too.

BOOOM, unfriended.


ahzuri December 16 2012, 16:58:23 UTC
The people posting shit like that one mine are family members I have been shaking with rage and holding my tongue since yesterday.


your_empathy December 16 2012, 17:40:28 UTC
Same here.


hinoema December 16 2012, 15:29:36 UTC
But one thing is clear: the notion that because gun control won’t necessarily stop a given crime, it is therefore a useless gesture, is an argument unworthy of a civilized people.

There is not enough agreement in the world for this.


erinlyn98 December 16 2012, 16:04:13 UTC
This was exactly what I was trying to say to someone yesterday, but this is 1000 times better than what I spewed out. LOL.


wikilobbying December 16 2012, 15:37:26 UTC
First, and most obviously, the kind of person who is willing to commit mass murder is not likely to be open to the rational-minded deterrence that fear of an armed bystander might otherwise provide. Adam Lanza, like Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris and Wade Michael Page, and many others before him, was willing and prepared to end his own life at the conclusion of his rampage.

this is pretty much the major thing my mind jumps to when the ~more guns~ argument pops up after these mass murders. whether they turn the gun on themselves or they get shot down, they typically know a gun and that killing spree is going to be the end for them. i'm pretty sure if police had carried lanza off alive, that once everything cleared, he'd have been more surprised to find himself alive.

besides, if every single person who commits a crime would decide against it over the mere fact that the police will get involved and someone (police or otherwise) could pull a gun on you, our crime rates would probably be considerably lower than they are, no?


makeme_moo December 16 2012, 20:13:58 UTC
What's more, in at least 3 of the recent attacks, they've been wearing body armor. Movie theater, mall, kindergarten. They go in clearly expecting to be fired back at. :/


beetlebums December 16 2012, 15:41:18 UTC
My biggest gripe with most people arguing about what "the next step should be" is that it becomes an either or situation. Um no. it's like people get too focused on one solutions without realizing there are multiple factors with all these mass murders.

Both stricter gun control laws and better mental health access is the solution. not one or the other



erinlyn98 December 16 2012, 16:14:18 UTC
Exactly. Thank you. And stricter gun laws=taking away 2nd amendment rights apparently. I responded to someone on fb about not getting why people are allowed to own assault rifles and people jumped all over me about losing their rights to own guns. I said nothing about banning all guns. *sigh*


beetlebums December 16 2012, 16:36:22 UTC
People conveniently don't read what most of the 2nd Amendment is though. But I have a whole list of solutions for that problem :p


ahzuri December 16 2012, 17:03:11 UTC
That is exactly what is happening to me on my FB. Someone tried to say that the states with looser gun laws have less violence and listed a few states so I smacked him with the statistical facts that each of those states was in the top half of the list for gun violence.


erinlyn98 December 16 2012, 16:11:37 UTC
I have never owned a gun, and would probably never own one. But my dad had a shotgun and taught us at a very early age that it was off limits. That being said, I am no gun expert. I wouldn't even know how to hold one correctly. But I simply can't comprehend how a semi automatic rifle is LEGAL to own. I don't think all guns should be banned. I think people have a right to feel safe. But I think there need to be limits on what kind of guns PRIVATE citizens should be allowed to own.

I am also a teacher in a school, and am flabbergasted that people would even suggest us being armed. Really? Having a gun in your child's classroom would be a GOOD THING? Seriously? I don't/...I can't....I have no words for the rationale behind that. None. I get uneasy when the drawer with the scissors is not locked.

Thank you OP for this article. It says everything I feel much more eloquently than I could.


dearmisterecho December 16 2012, 16:41:33 UTC
The whole "teachers should be armed" argument is stupid as hell anyway...realistically the gun would have to be a locked, secure place and I don't think anyone is of the right mind to be fiddling with keys and far away hiding places when an assault rifle wielding mass murderer.


ahzuri December 16 2012, 17:07:11 UTC
God forbid you publicly say that though because you will get jumped, I did and my first response was "You can pry it out of my cold dead hands or get it round by round" Are we serious right now because fuck you.

I couldn't imagine having guns around children I don't think people understand the capacity for accidental discharge or accidents in general. What happens when they are those teachers but don't increase access to mental health help and one of those teachers goes crazy in the middle of their class/school? Do we finally get the point then? Even if they let me carry a gun once I'm certified to teach the hell if I ever will.


magenta_girl December 16 2012, 17:58:29 UTC
That point you're making about a teacher with a gun losing it has been on my mind too. Especially with the low pay and high expectations that we seem to be placing on teachers.


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