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Comments 278

hammersxstrings November 23 2012, 03:39:56 UTC
Personally, I think her actions are abhorrent, BUT, there's a lot of dickish people out there, and I'm not sure people should be able to blacklisted/fired because of poor taste.

However. This was a work trip. It's a matter of how her actions reflect on her employer. In this case, termination was probably appropriate. I hope it doesn't affect her future possible employment; sh should also probably think twice about posting things like this on a social networking sites. I know I very, very rarely post any photos on FB because I'm friends with work people, amongst others, and there needs to be some semblance of sense when you post stuff that may piss people off.

And wow, I didn't see the thing about the separate website. Ugh, that's over the line.


shadwing November 23 2012, 15:23:23 UTC
Yeah I don't know HOW many times I have to tell my fellow co-workers "There is no such thing as 'Private' on Facebook. ESPECIALLY if you have coworkers Friended." Yesh.


autumnleaving November 23 2012, 21:07:52 UTC
Yup, I have a few friends who likes to post their feelings about professors, bosses, work situations, etc. on Facebook and there's that line between "I can do whatever I want, it's my account, it's no one's business, I'm not gonna police myself!" vs. "I know I'm entitled to my feelings and I'm free to share them on whatever medium I choose. Still, perhaps I shouldn't post this because it will or may reflect poorly on me sometime later on." Which classmates will tell on you? Hey, remember how much you complained about this and that and now, you have no idea why a friend is refusing to recommend you for a job in the same company?



suwiel November 23 2012, 21:50:18 UTC
One of the assistant managers at the gas station I worked at used to add her coworkers on FB just so she could get them in trouble/fired for posting stupid shit. She mostly waited 'til people called in for bogus reasons, just to call them out on Facebook when they talked about all the fun things they did while "sick".


winniechili November 23 2012, 03:43:41 UTC
She may have been a good employee but she is also clearly a giant dumbass.


ginmar November 24 2012, 20:50:03 UTC
The two are not necessarily mutually exclusive.


darth_eldritch November 23 2012, 03:47:51 UTC
This was a pretty tasteless stunt, IMHO. It's hard for me to feel sympathetic for her. She did something stupid that would potentially offend many people on company time and she got fired for it. But, really, the backlash against her has gone overboard.


lil_insanity November 23 2012, 03:54:10 UTC
I agree with you. I don't feel bad about her being fired for being an idiot, but the giant internet gangpile and posting of her personal information is downright scary.


darth_eldritch November 23 2012, 04:03:42 UTC
It is scary. It's like she's not punished enough by being reprimanded and losing her job.


ginmar November 25 2012, 02:44:50 UTC
And I wonder if this reaction would have been this bad had she been male. We've had a huge number of racists openly being racist and that reaction has not gotten anybody fired or anything though a few people have gotten men in suits showing up on their doorsteps---and then going on their way.


romp November 23 2012, 03:56:17 UTC
I haven't seen the site nor any backlash but I'm not surprised she was fired. It would be bad if she worked for a bank or something similar but a nonprofit?! LIFE can't afford something like that linked to their group.

If I were her, I'd be devastated but also know I brought it on myself.


recorded November 23 2012, 03:57:43 UTC
what. the site you linked with all the myspace/facebook/deviantart creeping. this reminds me to get to work on deleting all my information that connects my accounts.

The Psychology of Lindsey Stone

After looking threw her online accounts and photos, I get the idea that Lindsay Stone is sort of a quiet rebel. She wasn’t the popular one in high school and spent a lot of time at home. She enjoys art and being by herself. She is 30 but yet still hasn’t managed to become an independent adult. In fact, she is pretty far from independent now since she got “unpaid leave” for the Facebook photo.

I imagined that she is just bored and restless. She most likely hasn’t done any big achievements in her life and she definitely wasn’t a servicewomen. It is debatable if she has low self-esteem but everyone is sure she does not have high self-esteem.

She is probably very, very worried how such a small thing like a photo during a work trip resulted in all this attention. Oh well, I hope you learn a lesson Lindsey: the Internet is a public domain.


sfrlz November 23 2012, 04:27:45 UTC
that's extremely creepy o_O


recorded November 23 2012, 04:37:44 UTC
it seriously is. i'm getting my paranoid cloak on and running to my accounts & deleting random info. LOL

also my facebook is linked to my pinterest which i used my alias on D: must fix immediately.


layweed November 23 2012, 04:49:12 UTC
Yeah, when I started job hunting I locked everything downnnnn. There wasn't much to lockdown or delete since I don't have a social life and so don't have embarrassing photos on Facebook or elsewhere. But still...gotta be careful what you put out there.


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