One Year Later, Occupy Has A Brilliant New Plan for a People's Bailout

Nov 13, 2012 13:37

Occupy Wall Street has a great new answer to all the doubters who ripped on them over the past year for not having a specific enough plan.

It took a while, but a new offshoot group that grew out of Occupy called Strike Debt has a highly specific, highly brilliant plan for how to improve the lot of the 99%: It’s called Rolling Jubilee, and it’s ( Read more... )

occupywallstreet, for great justice

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Comments 34

wingstar102 November 14 2012, 01:09:04 UTC
Holy shit! This idea has so much potential to do exponential amount of good that it's mind boggling. Going to have to donate!


aviv_b November 14 2012, 01:59:35 UTC
I love this. I don't know if they can specialize in the type of debt, but I'd love to see health care debt being targeted at the top given a priority. No one should have to go broke in order not to die.


moiread November 14 2012, 06:16:50 UTC
I read a statement somewhere from someone official that says right now they're focusing on medical debt. I will attempt to dig that up.

Edit: AHA! Here it is:


aviv_b November 14 2012, 14:18:16 UTC
That's excellent news! I suppose we could end up paying for somone's elective cosmetic surgury, but that's OK, if we mostly help people who can't afford health insurance.


teacoat November 14 2012, 02:03:12 UTC
This sounds like a great idea! I'll definitely be donating.


popehippo November 14 2012, 02:12:41 UTC
where do I sign up


window_girl November 14 2012, 22:07:02 UTC

I mean, I would feel bad for taking even a couple hundre dollars that could have gone to someone more needy-I don't have a whole lot of debt, but it's crushing me. I can't get hired at McDonald's FFS, how am I supposed to make payments. It's devastating my credit report and a chance to ever go to a real college.


borderline_mary November 14 2012, 02:20:24 UTC

I will definitely be donating to this.


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