Obama to MTV: I won't be pushing gay marriage in second term

Nov 11, 2012 12:49

One day after endorsing gay marriage proposals in Washington and Maine, President Obama told MTV viewers Friday that he would not be pushing gay marriage in his second term, ABC News reported.

According to Obama, "it would be up to future generations of Americans to implement meaningful reform," ABC added.

"First of all, I've been very clear about my ( Read more... )

consider the source, barack obama, marriage equality

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Comments 51

ennifer_jay November 12 2012, 00:29:55 UTC
Wow fuck you

ETA: not the OP; Obama.

ETA2: Like I don't even know why I'm surprised or disappointed tbh. My rights are just a bargaining chip for you. You're just like every other fucking politician.


ms_maree November 12 2012, 00:31:47 UTC
As a non-American I don't see how any President in their second term has any incentive to follow through with any of their promises. No matter what, they get their four years in the job with the nice pay package and that's it, why should they personally care if they don't follow through with anything, it's not like they are going to be President after that, the people can't punish him by not re-electing him. Short of doing something really crap, and I'd imagine it would have to be something really bad, the American people are stuck with him.


anolinde November 12 2012, 00:39:08 UTC
On the other hand, they can do whatever the fuck they want (i.e. support gay marriage) and not face any punishment for it, so. =/


ms_maree November 12 2012, 00:40:02 UTC
So what's Obama's excuse? ETA: I guess we should wait and see, probably jumping the gun here.


redstar826 November 12 2012, 01:05:07 UTC
having more freedom as a second term president still doesn't mean that congress is going to give him everything he wants. And while he doesn't have to worry about re-election, most of the folks in the house and senate do.


astridmyrna November 12 2012, 00:36:50 UTC
Oh ffs.


ms_maree November 12 2012, 01:06:45 UTC
Fair enough.

umm threadfail, responding above. (sorry)


pinksta_r November 12 2012, 00:42:45 UTC
No, no, no. Please don't do this to me, Obama. We can't leave this up to a vote. I'm in Texas and I'll never see it passed unless it handled at the federal level.


redstar826 November 12 2012, 00:45:34 UTC
Isn't this pretty much what he has been saying ever since he endorsed same-sex marriage back in May? I don't think is anything new.

Realistically, with the Republicans still controlling the House, what are the chances of advancing legislation on this issue at the federal level?


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redstar826 November 12 2012, 00:55:46 UTC
where is the reference to "Obama Pride Week?". I'm assuming it's somewhere in that 'OMG HOW DARE GAY PEOPLE SUPPORT OBAMA!' mess that is that last link


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