Romney's Deregulations and the Invisible Hand of The Free Market Gave us the Meningitis Outbreak.

Oct 30, 2012 07:01

It's Official, Romney Wants to Start the Zombie Apocalypse!

Romney’s lax regulation fueled meningitis outbreak
A meningitis outbreak that has killed 25 is linked to a Mass. company Mitt's administration failed to regulate

The fatal meningitis epidemic sweeping the United States can now be traced to the failure of then-Gov. Mitt Romney to adequately ( Read more... )

massachusetts, election 2012, capitalism fuck yeah, eat the rich, capitalism, corporations, republican party, stupid people, economics, mitt romney, drugs, medicine, health, republicans, incompetence, economy, deregulation, money, mittens, evil, corruption, crime, fuck this guy, invisible hand of the free market

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Comments 6

kitanabychoice October 30 2012, 21:20:01 UTC
I just can't with this bullshit. When you deregulate industries and let them do whatever the fuck, people always get screwed. Whether it's pilfering their retirements or killing them with preventable food-borne illness, people always get fucked over for profits and I am so mad that people think deregulation will solve all our money woes.


pennylane101 October 30 2012, 23:09:21 UTC
people who're for deregulatiing everything should think about why those regulations were put into place in the first place


electric_mole_x October 30 2012, 23:41:47 UTC
C'mon now people, regulations are in place for a reason. Did the market crash teach us nothing?

And this fiasco really just reinforces that Joss Whedon video, where he talkes about the potential Zomney Apocolypse.


rhysande October 31 2012, 01:27:30 UTC
I hope Romney also gets named as a co-defendant in any up-coming lawsuits.


romp October 31 2012, 03:35:59 UTC
I fear that people who support Romney won't be swayed by this because they think only lesser people are hurt when the gov't fails to protect or because they believe the magical thinking of libertarians about the free market curing everything.


stormqueen280 October 31 2012, 19:58:58 UTC
They think the only people who will get screwed up are the lazy 47%.


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